How to remove paint for eyebrows

How to remove paint for eyebrows
 If unsuccessful Eyebrows can harm the appearance of stronger than even with the wrong pick a hair color. But do not despair immediately and run a beauty salon. Remove paint from the eyebrows and can be at home.
 Remove paint from the eyebrows can be using sunflower oil, olive oil or castor oil. To do this, moisten a cotton swab in a little oil and gently rub into the skin and hair of eyebrows. Then during the day periodically wash oil eyebrows soft cloth or cotton disc, pre-moistened with alcohol or alcohol-based lotion. After each procedure, you must re-oiled eyebrows. This method not only removes the paint, but also strengthens the hair of the eyebrows. The same effect would be if we replace the usual butter fat cream. Leave for the night on the eyebrows or oil or cream can not, or can appear swelling and irritation. In addition, to remove paint from the eyebrows, they can be several times a day to wash the soap.

Lemon juice is not less effective in solving this problem. To do this, you need to attach to the painted areas eyebrows cotton swabs soaked in lemon juice or concentrated solution of citric acid for 15-20 minutes. May feel a burning sensation, but from unwanted paint will be over.

Remove paint from the eyebrows can be gently wiped brightly colored areas with a cotton swab dipped in a normal solution of hydrogen peroxide, or a means of "Lock", designed for chemical hair coloring.

It is also possible to thin eyebrows with tweezers. In this case, they become visually lighter. However, this procedure need experience.

In addition, many manufacturers produce paints for eyebrows, complete with a means to remove it. They are not much more expensive, but more effective.

When you remove the paint from the eyebrows do not need much to rub the skin, as the paint itself will come in 2-3 days, but the irritation from this procedure can last much longer.

Tags: paint, eyebrow