In order to dye eyelashes at home, it's still worth to ask for help, but no master, and friends or relatives. So first of all you should clean the eyelashes from make-up, and not via fatty milk or cream, and with a mild soap with a neutral ph-level. The fact is that even the thinnest film of fat can prevent the paint to go smoothly and normally gain a foothold, so before painting you may well resort to such a reception. Although daily use soap, even the mildest, of course, not worth it.
The next step is the preparation of tool you need. You will need cotton swabs, cotton pads, napkins, applicator for applying paint (it is most often have included a handy-stick spatula), as well as some fat cream that costs applied to the skin in order to avoid coloring the skin around the eye area . But this cream in any case should not be thick, since it must be applied thinly and very accurately.
So, being careful not to touch the eyelashes need to apply a nourishing cream with a cotton swab. This can be done independently. However, after this stage without the aid will not do, so you should comfortably get - sit down and throw your head back or lie down on a flat surface. Cotton pads stands or cut or folded in half, put under the lower lashes. Now close your eyes. The paint should be applied thick enough layer to all cilia had impregnated pigment. Try not to slightly open your eyes and do not blink, otherwise the paint will fall and the eyes will be very much pinching, and you have to wash off all the makeup and start the procedure again.
Painted the cilia should thoroughly rinse with cool water. You can apply a nourishing balm or oil for hair immediately after the procedure - this will protect them and restore over-dried and damaged paint areas.