The ancient Chinese were good physiognomists, their experience is still used today. For example, classification widespread human eye, which compares them with eyes of different animals. It has more than thirty types, but the most common are ten: sheep, dragon, lion, monkey, wolf, fish, boar, snake, elephant, horse.
Type "sheep" is characterized by long and narrow eyes with several layers of skin on the eyelids and a small iris. People with such eyes are often melancholic, prone to self-destruction. Eye "dragon" are the most beautiful, they are large in size, elongated, have single-layer eyelids, often covered by half. Such people become politicians, statesmen, they like to edit.
Eyes "lion" have almond-shaped. These people are well-developed sense of justice, they are valid, exhibit leadership skills. Type "monkey": small eyes, but most of the iris, on the lower eyelid has a fold of skin. Such people are unpredictable, emotional, restless. The "wolves" iris is small, clearly visible whites of the eyes. It speaks of revenge and violence, violent tendencies.
The "fish" corners of the eyes are directed downward, the upper eyelids hang down slightly. The nature of such people is not constant, but they lack power and they have difficulties in communication. Type "hog": this is the normal size eye with very severe upper eyelids that are inherent rude people with violent instincts. In people- "snakes" very bright iris. They are patient, but when they are taken out of himself, become violent.
The "elephants' eyes narrow, like" sheep ", but forever more and have a lot of wrinkles. This friendly, quiet people, a little slow. The eyes of the "horse" triangular shape with large lower eyelids. They talk about the emotional man and his penchant for intrigue.
Of course, this classification is controversial enough: firstly, it was designed for the Chinese, whose eyes are significantly different from the European, secondly, can not give a clear idea of the nature of man. However, European physiognomists believe that in the eyes can be judged not only on the identity of the person, but also about his life, about the past and the future. For example, people with big round eyes and life is full of amazing experiences and good prospects. A wide eyelids, elongated to the temples, talk about material well-being.