How to apply cream powder

How to apply cream powder
 Cream powder - a unique tool that allows you to quickly create the effect of a well-groomed and smooth skin. It is suitable for rapid make-up, but after a few hours will require correction. To cream powder is flat, look natural and lasted as long as possible, it needs to be properly applied. The process is simple, but it requires care, good lighting and high-quality accessories for make-up.
 Cream powder and liquid can be pressed very easy or fairly dense texture. The choice of options depends on the type and condition of the skin. Dense pasty means perfect masks minor imperfections - the marks of acne, scars, broken capillaries. More liquid falls softer, more natural look and hides the scaling and over-dried skin. Porous oily skin cream powder does not fit - it will only emphasize the rugged terrain and strengthen the greasy shine.

Apply cream powder can be soft latex sponge. Cheeks and forehead conveniently make up a large flat sponge complex reliefs around the nose, chin and eyes - small, with sharp corners. You can use a sponge, which is attached to the packaging of powder or buy it separately. Dial a little money on a sponge, apply it on the skin and blend with soft circular motions. Start with the middle part of the face, moving to the temples and chin. Be careful when applying a cream-powder in the hair roots and near the eyebrows. Type a means to a small sponge and accurate movements put it on the eyelids, nostrils and the area around the lips. In conclusion, spend a sponge on the jawline, not to create sharp color boundaries between the face and neck.

Another version of the application involves the use of brushes. You will need a large flat brush for makeup cheeks and forehead and a small flat - for hard to reach areas. Shaded cream powder confident short movements. After completing the application, assess the resulting effect in bright light, it is best near the window. A damp cloth to remove the cream from the roots of the hair and eyebrows.

Some makeup artists believe that it's best to apply the cream powder with your fingers. In this case, you are spared from having to wash your brushes and sponges after each use. Furthermore, it is the most economical way, giving maximum effect natural. However, as can be applied only liquid cream powder. Put a little money on your finger and apply it in the form of dots on the forehead, nose, chin and cheeks. Lightly to allocate funds in the face. If necessary, add a little more cream. It is applied on the eyelids percussive movements of the fingers, as if driving a vehicle into the skin. In conclusion, lightly powder the face friable powder - it will give a make-up finish.

Tags: cream, powder, coating