On clean skin, apply makeup base. Take the foundation of light-colored and preferably thicker consistency. Apply concealer on your face in several stages. To do this, after the first coat, wait, let it soak. Then apply a second layer and, if necessary, the third.
Powder face. It is important to match the powder foundation. Draw a dark eyebrow pencil or the same shadows. Shade shades, making eyebrows wider. They will look amazing on her pale face.
Proceed to eye makeup. Draw a black pencil eye contour from above and below. Cover both century black shadows. And under the eyes draw purple shadows light bruises. Liberally apply mascara.
With respect to the lips have two options: you can leave them livid, but you can make scarlet. If you decide to make them colorless, then mask them as follows, foundation and powder the top. If you want to focus on the lips, cover them with bright red lipstick. It will look as if you just drank blood. You can even draw a drop of blood around the mouth and cover the edges of the teeth scarlet lipstick.
At this vampire makeup ready. It remains only to add a few touches to the finished image. Cover the tone cream neck to avoid a sharp contrast. GROW tusks, whiskers lightly coat with silver paint on the type of gray. Insert the colored lenses red or black.