Magical ice cubes

Magical ice cubes
 Surprisingly, the ice cubes are capable of a miracle - they smooth wrinkles, slow down the aging process of the skin and give it a healthy look. Many of today's girls and women wash daily with the help of them, but not everyone knows that in order to achieve the desired effect, they need to be properly prepared and used.

It is important to use to create ice cubes only pure water. Pour into molds for ice it from the water should not be - this water does not do much good skin. It is best to use filtered, purified, low mineralization without gas or distilled water.

You can also use the defrost water that is biologically active and enhances anti-aging effect. It is made easy. Water is poured into the mold (or multiple shapes) and placed in the freezer. Once formed a weak crust of ice on the surface of the water, it must be removed. That it contains all the harmful substances.

If you use the icemaker is not plain water and herbal teas, the effect will only intensify. After all, to the beneficial effects of cold on the skin are added and useful properties of herbs.

Ice with herbs to pour two tablespoons of the collection of 0, 5 liters of boiling water. Then you need to put the broth in a water bath (10-15 minutes) or present it in a few hours.

The cooled broth need to drain, pour into the forms and put in the freezer. There it can be stored for 4-5 days. By the way, if the broth remains, it can be used just for washing.

When using this type of ice you need to consider your skin. For example, for dry-type fit chamomile, plantain, mint leaves, parsley, and St. John's Wort. Perfect and collection of dandelion root, Siberian Ginseng and hawthorn. You can also use crushed berries of mountain ash, which is filled with boiling water and infuse for an hour.

Oily skin suitable mixture of calendula, Chinese magnolia vine, chamomile and celandine. You can also use a mixture of only calendula and chamomile. But for combination skin can apply a mixture of dandelion, yarrow and chamomile.

Tags: cube face, Leda, magic, wiping