How to pick a coat of the figure

How to pick a coat of the figure
 Coats - is a stylish and elegant piece of women's wardrobe. Correctly matched the figure it can demonstrate a perfect taste of its owner, to attract attention, hide the flaws of forms.
 To pick up a coat, you must know what type of your figure.

Silhouette "hourglass"

This outline is considered ideal. In women, this type of volume equal shoulders and hips, and waist pronounced. Their owners will suit absolutely any style. Looks especially good coat c belt emphasizes the benefit slender waist.

Silhouette "Pear"

Slim top resists pretty heavy bottom with lush or just wide hips. Clothing with big collars, bright large buttons, applications and spacious sleeves will help draw attention to the more profitable parts of the body, harmonize the volumes. Girls of this type are more suitable form-fitting styles. Recommended length - to the knee.

Silhouette "inverted pear"

Women with these silhouettes will be beneficial to look at cutting through waist coat with pleats, ruffles, other items, expand and weighting bottom clothes. But the top, on the contrary, should be simple, smooth. In this case a suitable model of the truncated trapezoid shape. Especially beautiful in them are young of the fair sex. Older ladies, you can experiment with color: the bottom of the coat may be lighter, top - darker.

Silhouette "Apple"

Lady with full waist should not choose too loose cut. Moderately large models should cover most thickest part of the thigh. "Apple" or single-breasted suit asymmetrical things without frills and details that would attract attention.

Silhouette "Rectangle".

Overhead large pockets maximum flared bottoms, wide belts and bright accessories can add the missing silhouettes of the type curves. The length of the coat can be up to knee or hip. Such a special fabric is better to choose a dense and rigid.

Tags: model, belt, coat, shape, length