How to determine the length of the legs

How to determine the length of the legs
 Length of the legs - this is one of the most important criteria of beauty in our time. The owner of the long legs striding proudly on the podium and the streets of the city, from a height despite their less gifted rivals, and the majority of tiny girls are very worried about his short stature. But how do you properly measure the length of your legs? And what are considered to be really long legs and beautiful?
 The length of the person's legs - it's really very subjective concept, because for each increase or that the length will be sufficient or not. At first glance, leggy always want to call people of high growth, while undersized, by definition, can not be long legs. In fact, this view is not entirely correct. We must consider not separately leg length, and its relation to the overall growth and human complexion. For example, people with normal physique will be the ideal length of legs, if it is more than half of the total growth of more than 4 cm. Hypersthenics this ratio - greater than 2 cm, while the fine-boned - less than 6 cm. Thus, different lengths of legs may be ideal for different people, so it is possible to determine only by careful measurement and ratio of length to the overall growth.

The length of the legs of a child or an adult shall be measured from the trochanteric bone, that is, the protruding portion of the hip joint, to the floor on the outside of the leg. To get a result you must take off your clothes and stand barefoot on a flat surface, straightened to his full height. If you measure the length of your own, you should stand in front of a large mirror in which you see yourself completely. Need tight and flat on the floor, not trying to get up on his toes.

If a person's average statistical body, it will be very difficult not to feel a protruding portion of the femur. Otherwise oriented standing on the center of the hip joint. To a certain point it is necessary to make the beginning of tape and just let it go down. Next, you need human help, which should fix the measuring tape and determine the appropriate result. If the assistant was not around, you can use the measuring tape from a rigid material, or attach a small sinker to the centimeter, which will drop it to the floor. Thus, looking at the division on your hip, you can determine the true length of your feet.

Tags: baby, foot, man, length