Face mask for mature skin should be used at least twice a week. Only in this case the skin is tightened and preserve the beauty.
The simplest recipe - this is the usual sour cream, to which is added a few drops of essential oils. Each woman has their favorite essential oils to help you relax and improves mood, but there are a number of substances that are suitable specifically for mature skin. This ylang-ylang, rosemary, oil tsirtusovyh, lavender. For one mask only two or three drops.
Next mask for mature skin consists of warm mashed potatoes, to which is added a teaspoon of olive oil and raw egg yolk. The mixture is applied not only to the face but also on the neck. This mixture smoothes fine wrinkles and prevents new ones.
Mask herbal decoction made from chamomile, to which is added a few drops of rosemary oil diluted in jojoba oil. In a mixture of impregnated cloth, which is superimposed on the face, except the eye area, a quarter of an hour.
Useful mask from fruits and vegetables. Suitable for aging skin blend of peach, peeled and grated on the track, to which is added a spoon of milk. Many nutrients found in avocados. The flesh of this fruit can be applied to the skin in its pure form, pre-mash with a fork.
Tones the skin mask of boiled beans, finely ground and mixed with a teaspoon of lemon juice. Also added to the composition of any vegetable oil. Rinse off the mask must be a quarter of an hour of warm water.