Me, so I was completely! Throw away old clothes or submit it to the country. Make a list of what you need to purchase in accordance with the new image. From the store, take a few pictures or photos outfits that you want to buy. Sellers will advise you where all you can find.
Underwear also have to buy new - you should feel a complete transformation. Do not forget jewelry and accessories - these little things can transform a suit and never superfluous. Bracelets, pendants, necklaces, earrings, belts, handbags, gloves, goggles and a variety of silk scarves and shawls help you quickly change the images. Footwear choose high-quality and convenient, it means a lot in the creation of his style.
Sign up for the dance school to change its gait, plastic, demeanor. At the same time will shape their figure and - in dance burns a lot of calories, and the muscles are tightened and long remain in a tone that will surely appreciate your acquaintances, and strangers too.
Hair and make-up in any case should not remain the same. New hair color saturated and fashionable hairstyle or haircut will contribute to your good mood. Buy a new series of cosmetics, try experimenting with colors. If you can not change the style of make-up, go to a professional makeup artist. Remember his advice and exercise make up the face of the house.
Only the combination of a new style of clothing, a new gait, a new attitude, a new hairstyle and makeup can change you completely. Such a change of image can be done as often as you need arises.