How to change themselves beyond recognition

How to change themselves beyond recognition
 Find your style, you can stick with it over the years - one to wear her hair, make-up to do the same, similar to buy clothes. But life changes, new fashion trends, there comes a time to throw off all the usual, tiresome and changed beyond recognition. Can one fine morning to come to work, as the heroine of the movie "Office Romance", brand new to all surprise and delight.
 Browse pages of fashion magazines, look at pictures of the stars and simply stylish people on the Internet. Select some images to which you want to be like. Consider the features of your figure and face, hair type and length. Hair, of course, can be extended, and figure to do in the gym.

Me, so I was completely! Throw away old clothes or submit it to the country. Make a list of what you need to purchase in accordance with the new image. From the store, take a few pictures or photos outfits that you want to buy. Sellers will advise you where all you can find.

Underwear also have to buy new - you should feel a complete transformation. Do not forget jewelry and accessories - these little things can transform a suit and never superfluous. Bracelets, pendants, necklaces, earrings, belts, handbags, gloves, goggles and a variety of silk scarves and shawls help you quickly change the images. Footwear choose high-quality and convenient, it means a lot in the creation of his style.

Sign up for the dance school to change its gait, plastic, demeanor. At the same time will shape their figure and - in dance burns a lot of calories, and the muscles are tightened and long remain in a tone that will surely appreciate your acquaintances, and strangers too.

Hair and make-up in any case should not remain the same. New hair color saturated and fashionable hairstyle or haircut will contribute to your good mood. Buy a new series of cosmetics, try experimenting with colors. If you can not change the style of make-up, go to a professional makeup artist. Remember his advice and exercise make up the face of the house.

Only the combination of a new style of clothing, a new gait, a new attitude, a new hairstyle and makeup can change you completely. Such a change of image can be done as often as you need arises.

Tags: recognition, transformation