How to remove wen

How to remove wen
 Wen, or lipomas, called loose subcutaneous education, which primarily are not so much medical as a cosmetic problem. Wen can appear on almost any part of the body, including the face, shoulders, back and hips. At the first suspicions on the development of such education should immediately consult a doctor, because over time wen greatly increased in size.
 Traditional medicine are two known ways to treat wen. If small lipoma and its diameter is less than 3 inches, then the recommended administration in a benign tumor tissue specific drug. The medicine is injected into the tissue Wen by surgical syringe and gradually resolves education. In the initial stages of development of a lipoma, this method is very effective. It should be noted that the effect of this treatment does not occur immediately - wen reduced only after 1-2 months.

If the diameter exceeds 3 cm, lipomas, doctors surgery administered to a patient. It can be performed under local or general anesthesia. During this procedure, the surgeon destroys the capsule that protects wen and completely removes. The disadvantage of this method is considered to be the formation of scars.

There are also many recipes of traditional medicine, which allow fairly quickly to get rid of the oil lamp. But before beginning any self-treatment should consult with your doctor.

An excellent effect against lipoma is a well-known balm "Vietnamese star". As often as possible, lubricate wen. In a short time he will reveal, and then you can slowly squeeze the contents, before carefully disinfect hands. This method is in no way be used to treat wen face.

Well proven and cinnamon. Every day to eat one tablespoon of the spice. Treatment lasts as long as wen disappears.

Considered effective and compress of chicken eggs. To do this, take the egg, break it and remove the film, which is located on the inner surface of the shell. It is desirable that the eggs were homemade. The first use of the compress often causes swelling and redness, which will eventually go. This procedure should be done as often.

Tags: wen zhirovki