How to make the skin on your feet smooth

How to make the skin on your feet smooth
 To create an attractive image, you must pay attention to the condition of the skin of feet. To make it smooth, it is necessary to get rid of unwanted hair on a regular basis and take care of it with the help of cosmetics.
 The first stage - a skin care feet. To do this, after the adoption of water treatment is recommended to apply nourishing and moisturizing cream. The most effective are cosmetics which include vitamins A and E, keratin, allantoin, glycerine and some other substances. Particular attention is paid to the skin of the feet.

In the second stage should be to get rid of hair. There are several ways, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. The most economical is shaving her legs with the help of a machine or an electric razor. As a general rule, we recommend pre-applied to the skin and scrub to remove dead skin cells. Using a hard sponge before shaving is necessary to prevent the process of ingrown hairs. This method is dangerous because when careless movement can damage the skin. For this purpose it is necessary to apply a special shaving foam, which makes it easy to slip over the skin. Cause irritation is removed moisturizing cream or lotion.

The second method of hair removal - a photo-epilation. Under the influence of light emission is the destruction of hair follicles. Result after several proof enough. Grow hairs are constantly getting less and less noticeable. But the procedure is not carried out in certain diseases (diabetes, varicose veins, hypertension, cancer and others) and pregnancy.

The third way - electrolysis. In this method growing zone destruction occurs under the influence of an electric current, which penetrates to a depth of follicles.

Laser hair removal - it is a new and effective way to deal with vegetation on their feet. The procedure is completely painless, and the result is achieved immediately after the first procedure.

Waxing gives the result for 4-5 weeks. It can be conducted at home without any experience. Melted wax is applied evenly on the surface of the skin of the feet. After solidification is removed with a spatula or a special paper tape with hairs.

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