How to make temporary tattoos

How to make temporary tattoos
 If you like a tattoo, but you are not ready to make a permanent tattoo - stop your choice on a temporary figure. In order to come to the master tattoo has already identified the desire, you need to prepare. Here is some useful information about what are temporary tattoos.

Tattoo - henna.
View tattoo depends on what type of paint it is performed. The most popular dye - natural henna red color. For centuries henna is considered universal colorants for printing on the body and hair coloring.

However, henna tattoo itself can not be considered, rather, it is one of the areas of body art.

Before performing a tattoo master prepares a special formulation containing henna. Then, on the skin area to house drawing, oil is applied - so that the picture will not melt, and only then with the help of professional tools applied composition.

After a while gently remove makeup, but in any case it can not be washed off with water. Immediately drawing you will not see - it will appear in a few days.

On dark skin often make a temporary henna tattoo black. Achieve the same color by adding black mineral graphite in a red henna usual.

Drawing made with henna, will be held monthly.

Tattoo - perevodilki.
The easiest way to perform a temporary tattoo - a transfer pattern. You can select a small picture and image, which may consist of several chastey.Sdelat a "tattoo" can in a minute: wet pattern, push to the body, and after a few seconds to Off.

That the picture remained flat and smooth, and did not start to wrinkle the skin, choose the figures on the basis of alcohol. In their structure contains a special fixing the paint.

Nemudrenyh this procedure you can do yourself, drawing will please you in three days.

The basis for the application of such a pattern is a non-toxic paint which is applied to the body through a stencil. It is the most short-lived, but the safest form of drawing on the skin. Lasts from two to seven days.

Tattoo - print pattern.
This type combines the principle of the transfer of drawing and airbrushing. By airbrushing taken coloring composition, but on decal - a way of drawing.

In this case, a thicker paint that is applied to the body by means of a special rubber stamp.

Before making a tattoo, go tolerance test dye.

Tags: tattoo, henna, airbrush