How to get rid of the dots in the eyes

How to get rid of the dots in the eyes
 Increasingly, ophthalmologists treat patients with complaints of black or white dots in the eyes. The causes of such troubles can be destructive changes in the vitreous humor of the eye. These result in cardiovascular disease, diabetes or metabolic disorder. Dead cells accumulate in the eyes as they are is a kind of repository and that is why there are floating strings, black or white dots.  
 When you see black dots should not immediately be frightened and prepare for surgical or laser treatment method. Serious cause for concern, as to get rid of black dots in the eyes can be no special treatment.

The first is to buy in the drugstore complex vitamins "B" and any homeopathic remedy with a high content of iodine. Take medications on a daily basis should be in accordance with applicable regulations. However, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle.

But in any case, an ophthalmologist should apply for inspection of the fundus and more detailed examination. The doctor can identify dystrophy or small retinal tears, symptom occurrence which also is the presence of black dots in the eyes.

White spots appear as a result of serious irregularities in the body and is often accompanied by pain and excessive tearing. In this case, violations are not related to the visual organs. The most common cause - a vertebral artery syndrome and hypertension.

Vertebral artery syndrome accompanied by white flies in his eyes and mist. Occurs on the background of osteochondrosis it. When hypertension white dots appear on the back of higher blood pressure, which is accompanied by dizziness, sleep disturbances, fatigue and headaches.

In addition, white dots may occur due to degenerative processes in the intervertebral disc, then begins receptor stimulation and appears artery spasm reflex. Such disorders occur during acute headaches, which are located mostly in the nape area and apply to the eye area, forehead and ears.

Communication between the occurrence of white dots in the eyes and a long neck muscle tension and uncomfortable position during sleep can clearly be seen, so you only need to sleep on a comfortable cushion and low for a long time not to strain your neck muscles.

To the point in the eyes ceased to bother, you must undergo a full examination and find out the exact cause of their appearance. Only after that to complete their treatment under medical supervision.

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