Hardware cosmetology at home

Hardware cosmetology at home
 Woman taking care of her beauty, usually has an arsenal of tools to care for face and body, and does not spare time and money on beauty treatments. If there is no time to visit a professional salon and use the services of a cosmetologist, you can arrange a salon at home using home appliances hardware cosmetology.

In the first place in popularity - Ultrasonic devices cosmetology, based on the effects of ultrasound on the tissue and skin cells. As a result, improves metabolism and blood circulation in these cells and increases skin elasticity. This means that smooth fine lines and leveling the surface of the skin.

Ultrasonic massager can even affect formed scars and soften fat and cellulite formation. Owners of rosacea is curious to know what a massage positively affects the small blood vessels of the skin. However, these wonderful devices there are contraindications: cancer, skin lesions and acute inflammation.

Many ultrasonic massagers have another useful feature - they treat light. Affects the skin of the light flux of a certain color, thus, for example, treatment of acne occurs at home.

In second place on the popularity of the use of cell phones are micro-stimulation. This method uses a weak low-frequency pulsed currents cause the normalization of metabolic processes in the tissues.

Restored collagen and elastin fibers - wrinkles, evens the complexion, the skin retains more moisture. Microcurrent therapy helps in the treatment of acne and scars resorption.

Home hardware cosmetology offers women help with the peeling procedure, which is also called non-surgical skin rejuvenation. For example, ultrasonic peeling deeply cleanses the skin, removing dead skin cells.

Vacuum cleaner then help get rid of blackheads without damaging the surface of the skin at the same time. And prepare to face for cleaning help home sauna for the face, which is gentle steam gently on the skin and opens the pores.

However, be sure to get a preliminary consultation professional beautician, especially if there are serious problems with the skin or active inflammation.

Tags: house, home, the condition of the instrument, cosmetology, massage, hardware, rejuvenation