Body decoration: tattoo, biotattoo, temptu

Body decoration: tattoo, biotattoo, temptu
 The concepts of beauty and fashion are changing rapidly, so follow them is not so simple. In recent years, at the height of fashion trends is appeared in the ancient art of decorating is not only individuals but also the body. And if a person can apply makeup from a multi-colored palette of shades, and then wash away all this splendor several movements cotton pad, the decoration of the body have a completely different character, as they are applied once and for a long time (sometimes, as in life) .


One of the most popular types of body jewelry is a tattoo. Tattooing is a drawing of a pattern on the skin by injection into the subcutaneous layer of pigment of a specific color. It can be an interesting artistic pattern and a symbol of something, such as belonging to a particular caste or community. Especially liked tattoos representatives of avant-garde art, as with the help of a tattoo on the body can express individuality in a vision of the world and their place in it.

Before tattooing should think and decide whether this is necessary. After it is applied once and for all, and despite the fact that modern cosmetology offers details of tattoos in various ways, all these manipulations cause significant harm to the body and increase the risk of cancer of the skin. Even after the most gentle manipulation - data tattoo laser scar remains on the site of the former "decoration."


This type of tattoo light (sometimes referred to as the drawings and for a period of 28 days) at which the pattern is applied by hand, and its dimensions are typically less than 4 cm. The maximum depth of penetration of the needles - 4 mm. Such a pattern over time (usually 2-4 years) is slightly blurred and almost disappears, allowing to put in its place a new or completely remove the already boring or irrelevant old. In the case caused pigments are completely dissolved and can be removed with laser therapy, but is sufficiently large and the risk of damage to their own pigments that lead to the formation of unsightly spots on the skin surface.


Another type of tattoo is biotattoo. This type of makeup is completely safe, and one of its main advantages is that after a while put drawing disappears, which allows you to draw on the body again and again.

This tattoo is only applied henna, which is due to a variety of natural supplements can have different shades. But it's all shades of red, from red and orange to pale. Black henna not exist in nature. This color henna gets into it due to the addition of ingredients that are not always safe for health and can trigger skin diseases owner of such tattoos.

Patterning biotattoo occurs when using a fine brush, the skin is not affected as much as it does in conventional tattoo. The pattern may be formulaic, and individual created inspiration master tattoo or client. This tattoo is relatively inexpensive and is ideal in the event that the client wants to complete a tattoo but not sure whether it will suit him and whether there will be such that after some time he will not have it.

In any case, if you want to get a tattoo, or biotattoo temptu preliminary consultation the doctor will not be superfluous. Especially when the possible manifestations of allergic reactions.

Tags: tattoo, decoration, body, biotattoo, tempt