7 receptions against enlarged pores

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 Each type of skin requires special care. Urgent problem for owners of oily skin are enlarged pores of the face. They give you the unsightly and scoring the filth and fatty secretions, provoke acne. The good news is that they can and must be fought.

The first way to deal with enlarged pores - proper nutrition. Enlarged pores and shine on the face may be caused by abuse of fatty, spicy foods and smoking. Limit the consumption of these products, especially in the summer.

 The second reception against enlarged pores - special means of purification. No myla- it violates the acid-alkaline balance of the skin and add you skin problems. Choose a gel or foam for washing with lemon juice, oil of bergamot and tea tree - they will reduce too wide pores on the face.

 Use scrubs. They help to accelerate the renewal of the upper layer of the epidermis on the face and "open" clogged pores, allowing the skin to breathe. Owners of oily skin coarse scrub suit on the basis of the polymer beads. Scrubs and gommazhi made with apricot pits scratch and injure the skin.

 Fourth reception - 2-3 times a week to do the mask. Mask tightens pores, on the basis of kaolin (white clay), extracts of eucalyptus leaves, oatmeal and seaweed can be made at home.

 Fight with enlarged pores is impossible without the use of a suitable tonic. It is specifically designed to narrow pores after washing and prepare the skin for the application of the cream. It is particularly important to use tonic after steams masks.

 Silicone-based cream. This is not a treatment, but a method of masking imperfections of the skin before applying makeup. They line the skin and hide the black dots and a porous, problem skin.

 Application of the seventh reception requires a visit to a beauty salon. Salon by narrowing far is cryomassage face. Skin treated with liquid nitrogen, which effectively lower temperature pores. Effect lasts exactly one week.

Tags: a person's time, cream, reception, borbas