Why ears pierced should be cautious

Why ears pierced should be cautious
 How many unique jewelry offers jewelry market today! The breadth of the range applies equally to pendants, rings, bracelets and, of course, earrings. Ear to ear and body piercings are attracted by its beauty and originality. But what if your ears were simply not pierced, and except for clips, no matter what more can not count? You can go and pierce ears.

Today there are many beauty salons, ready to take up the holding of such a procedure. However, before you go and have your ears pierced, you need to know some of the nuances of such a procedure.

Firstly, the ears, in particular earlobes, contain a large number of acupuncture points - biologically active points, each of which is associated with a certain authority. Falling into the puncture point can lead to negative consequences, manifested in the form of disruption of the body that is associated with damaged acupuncture points.

Secondly, it is not recommended ears pierced people suffering otolaringicheskimi diseases and diseases of the blood or skin. All kinds of allergy as a contraindication for ear piercing procedure as any earrings, even the highest-quality, gold, can cause irritation. In this case, better to turn to a specialist and consult with him, will not have any problems with health because of the small holes in the earlobes.

But if wearing earrings unbearable, and it's settled, then it is necessary to go to a certified salon, and a procedure to carry out an experienced cosmetologist with medical education. Do not risk your own health and your ears pierced at the amateur. In addition, after the procedure is very important care and hygiene ears. Professional beauty is sure to give appropriate recommendations.

Thus, a serious attitude to this, at first glance, an easy procedure will provide an opportunity to wear earrings and retain health.

Tags: point, the ear lobe