The black dots in the ear

The black dots in the ear
 Comedones or black points in the ear - a type of acne, resulting from excessive skin oiliness. Sebaceous glands are clogged, the fat is oxidized and turns black dots. The fight against this phenomenon must be comprehensive, aimed at eliminating acne has emerged and their causes to prevent new lesions.
 To get rid of blackheads appearing in the ear, using folk remedies, modern drugs or refer to the beauty parlor, where you will spend the hardware cleaning.

Home made hot compress to warm up comedones, then clean it thoroughly scrub prepared from fine salt, soda and shaving cream. Leave composition for 20 minutes, then rinse with water and wipe the ear rubbing alcohol, salicylic acid or alcohol tincture of calendula, sage, eucalyptus, chloramphenicol.

The systematic application of these tools will help get rid of blackheads, but can not prevent their occurrence, as the reason for the formation of comedones are hormonal imbalance, improper diet rich in fat, spicy, sweet, disruption of the liver or gastrointestinal tract.

To correct, contact your doctor, get a referral to a medical examination, after which you will be assigned the necessary treatment. This will help normalize the metabolism, eliminate violations of the hormonal balance, improve the functioning of the liver and gastrointestinal tract. Also, keep to a diet, drink plenty of foods containing natural fiber, vegetables and fruits. Discard the strong tea, coffee, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products.

All treatment wipe the ear of special equipment that help to normalize the sebaceous glands. These drugs are presented in a wide range in the pharmacy network and in stores that sell products for skin care.

Eliminate blackheads safely and painlessly, you can in a beauty salon, where you will spend the hardware cleaning of the ear. The cost of one treatment is readily available.

Do not try to squeeze the black dots. It's not safe and can lead to inflammation and abscesses.

Tags: ear, point, spot, comedo, the reason Akna