Many love the sweet grapes. That's just annoying bones: they have to spit. It is better to buy grapes raisins, it does not have bones. But not everyone knows that sweet grape pulp contains almost no nutrients. All the benefits of grapes is concentrated in bones.
The use of grape seed
The composition of grape seed includes very strong herbal antioxidants - substances that can prevent cardiovascular disease, slow down the aging process, to neutralize the aggressive influence of the environment. Grape seed antioxidants act on the body is many times stronger than vitamins E and C is also an antioxidant.
In addition to antioxidants in grape seeds contain phytoestrogens - plant hormones, very useful for women over 45 years.
But if you just chew and eat a few grape seed, pronounced therapeutic effect not get. Nutrients, you must first extract from the seeds. There are several methods: receiving grape seed extract, grape seed oil (grape oil), grape seed tincture. In addition, the healing properties of grape seed turn into red wine, has beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system (of course, when used in moderation).
Grape seed extract
Grape seed extract acts on the human body as follows:
• It strengthens the walls of blood vessels, restores their lost strength and elasticity;
• Strengthening the vessels prevents hemorrhage and edema;
• Anti-inflammatory effect on varicose veins, reduces the risk of thrombosis;
• Improves the functioning of the retina, which is very important for the elderly and for people working at a computer for long periods;
• Helps treat attention disorders by regulating mechanism of transmission of nerve impulses between brain cells;
• Improves supply the brain with oxygen and trace elements;
• Has anti-allergic and antiparasitic properties.
Grape oil
Grape seed oil can be obtained from grape seeds by cold pressing or by hot extraction. In oil obtained by cold pressing retained more nutrients than using hot extraction.
Grape seed oil has the following properties:
• bactericidal;
• Anti-inflammatory;
• Immunostimulatory;
• wound healing;
• astringent.
Due to these properties, grape seed oil is used in the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension, as well as in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, peptic ulcer, colitis, hepatitis, cholelithiasis, etc.).
Grape seed oil is used in anti-cancer therapy.
These powerful forces have modest grape seeds and pulp of grapes - just a sweet jelly, pleasant taste.