Scientifically proven that a different eye color does not affect the person's ability to see and distinguish colors, he sees the world exactly as the others. However, the surrounding necessarily relate to him in a special way, because it is different from all. In ancient times, people with different eyes feared and considered them to be children of the devil. It is connected with the legend according to which the devil had different eyes - one blue and the other black. Therefore, if such an unusual child was born, his mother was suspected of criminal ties with the devil.
Often, people with colored eyes considered "glazlivym", that is able to jinx it. At a time when the causes of disease were unknown, and all the buildings were built of wood, any loss of livestock or fire blamed on the evil eye. Very convenient to have a number of "scapegoat", which could shift the blame, and often it becomes a man with red eyes (if there was such - that ginger or with fused lobes, or with a birthmark in an unusual place).
Today superstition are becoming increasingly rare, and people with different eyes live in peace. Moreover, that correction with contact lenses can easily relieve them of this "flavor".
However, those who still decided to live with the eyes of different colors to give an invaluable advantage over the others. In fact, it is very unusual and stylish, this person is stored and sinks into the soul for a long time. Get used to his view is not so easy, but that's what attracts friends and loved ones. As a young girl with different eyes often lead a wild life, but having met her only become exemplary mistresses and caring mothers. Original appearance helps them find love and happiness, and only on the nature and other circumstances depends if they can keep it.