How to make skin smooth

How to make skin smooth
 Perfectly smooth skin - the dignity of women. At the same time, of course, want to see such beauty was by nature, and not make extra effort required. But more often, practice shows that smooth complexion is a daily work and a healthy lifestyle.
 Leather is a "litmus test" of all our bad habits, stress internally, and sometimes indifferent attitude. Therefore, if we decide to become a beauty - throw smoking, regular consumption of alcohol and frequent loud parties with lack of sleep.

Fresh air, sleep, proper nutrition and the fight against bad habits will help your skin cleansed and flourish. But remember, all this must be done in the complex. If a girl gets enough sleep, spends a lot of time outdoors, follow the diet, but it does not leave with a cigarette - hardly her skin long remain young and fresh.

Of particular importance for smooth color has the power. Redness and pimples often arise from "and that you have eaten something not so." Greasy, spicy, fried, flavored with a generous amount of food preservatives and carcinogens very well contribute to skin irritation.

Attention should be paid to food rich in vitamins A and E. They are important for the skin, as oxygen is to the lungs. Fish, liver, dairy products, eggs, nuts, vegetables, fruits, vegetable oils, sprouted grains - that should be present in your diet.

If you already have serious skin problems (eg, acne, a large number of spots), do not tighten with a trip to the beautician. Together with your doctor, you can find out the cause of these problems and begin treatment. But with some self can play a cruel joke. Incorrect squeezing blackheads and pimples can leave small scars on his face. But the worst part is that there is a serious inflammation.

It is important that when a girl cares for your skin is not occasionally, but regularly. Often it happens so - do not mask a couple of times a week, and in front of a triumph. Meanwhile, care, moisturizing and nourishing your skin needs daily. Stick to simple rules and you will soon notice a positive change.

Be sure to clean skin morning and evening, and then use a cream for power leveling and color. They can choose, in consultation with a specialist. Remember that the funds should be specifically for your age.

Drink pure water (in addition to other liquids) at least a liter per day. Many are advised to 1, 5 liters minimum. But this is a moot point - because the water in tea, coffee, juice, soup, milk is also filtered by the kidneys. And excessive load on the body is not desirable.

It is reasonable to use cosmetics. Let us once a week my skin "day of rest" from her. Sometimes redness and rashes happen from what pores just scored tonal resources or powder. Never go to bed without washing cosmetics from the face.

A couple of times a week to do the nutritional and alignment mask. Well, if it will mask made from natural ingredients. For example, grated cucumbers can be mixed with olive oil for 15 minutes and put on the face. Then rinse with cool water.

If you are the owner of a very pale skin, be careful with sunburn. Anyway, any girl should not be keen on solarium. "Artificial sun" often provokes spots on the face. In addition, tanning skin dries, and thus accelerates its natural aging.

Tags: skin color mask the problem, care