How to get rid of sagging skin

How to get rid of sagging skin
 The problem of sagging skin is well known to those ladies who were able to lose weight fast enough. Such as skin problems and pursue women after pregnancy and childbirth. It is understood that the skin to return to its former elasticity and remove sagging can be used only if the body care will be regular.
 The first thing you should pay attention - this is food. Because insufficient amounts of protein, vitamins and other substances can be seen primarily in the skin - it becomes flabby. Therefore, try to eat as much fresh fruit, vegetables and fish. Many women mistakenly reject meat, considering it too bold. But still need to consider the fact that meat contains essential for human proteins and minerals.

Every day, drink at least two liters of pure non-carbonated water, as there is nothing more important for skin elasticity

Perfectly toned skin and contrast showers. During hygiene procedures are constantly changing the water temperature in the hot-cold. For washing, use hard sponge - it will improve blood circulation. Once a week you can spend a massage with a sponge soaked in apple cider vinegar.

After bathing it is necessary to have a massage, it is desirable that in this case you helped someone in the family. Beautiful effect has honey, which is used instead of massage oil.

Always use special creams for stretch marks and sagging. They say that these creams and lotions do not help. In fact, it is not so - just pampering should be regular, and this basic rule.

Cope with sagging skin without physical activity and sport is almost impossible. Therefore, develop the habit at least twice a week to go to the gym. If you do not have this capability, then create for themselves their own hour-long exercise program.

Beautiful tightens the properties of a plant called thistle prickly. Need to make a very strong decoction of this herb to its color was almost black. Strain the tea leaves and pour it into the water for swimming. Soak in the bath for half an hour.

Remember that the key to success is regular. Do not expect quick results. First you will see a marked improvement in about 2-3 months, and be able to achieve maximum success and a half years.

Tags: skin tone, care, body flabbiness