It is easy to guess that the remediation of leather heels consists of two main stages: removal of dead epithelial layer and a healthy layer of skin softening. Removal is carried out with a piece of pumice. Before this procedure, the skin heels must be good to steam to make it more pliable, elastic. For this purpose, it is necessary to take a hot footbath. Its duration - not less than a quarter of an hour.
Can be used for a foot bath only hot water, you can add it decoctions of herbs, sea salt or softwood, etc. Then use a pumice as carefully as possible remove dead layer of the epithelium. Try it does not injure the healthy layer of skin.
Then pat dry feet thoroughly (preferably with a soft towel) and rub into the skin nourishing cream heels. Try to spend the above procedure quite regularly: at least twice a month, at regular intervals.
If you for some reason do not want to mess with a pumice stone, you can use scrubs. Here, perhaps, the easiest recipe: take one cup (approximately 200 ml) of sea salt, two finely chopped tomato or two rubbed on a medium grater raw potatoes. Mix salt with tomato or potato mixture, put on heels steamed out skin, wait 15 minutes, a good rub hard sponge (natural or synthetic). Wash the feet with hot water, dry, apply a nourishing cream. This procedure is carried out at least once a week, before going to bed. After the application of nourishing cream, it is desirable to put on cotton socks and do not remove them until the morning.
In some cases well to regular rubbing into the horny skin heels mixture of castor and olive oils. Even better, if in this mixture will be added with Vitamins A and E (one capsule).