How often should I change creams

How often should I change creams
 Face cream is the most common and frequently used tools for skin care. Selection cream and its replacement frequency depends on the age, environmental conditions, irritants, time of year, the skin needs a certain time, and so forth.
 The age criterion for selecting a face cream is considered a major - all products contain ingredients needed skin at different times. Young skin is enough to get daily meals and update only the upper layers of the epidermis. These requirements are met creams light texture, containing extracts from plants, tonic supplement. The cream penetrates into the upper layers of the skin and fills them with moisture and trace elements - this is enough to make the skin look fresh and well-groomed. Another function of the skin creams from 20 years - the stimulation of circulation. Providing a better supply of blood and oxygen to the skin, the cream improves the complexion and makes it possible to permanently preserve the elasticity of tissues. You should not get involved in fatty creams - ducts still actively secrete sebum and oil.

Cream after 30 years should contain the active moisturizing ingredients, as this is the main problem that must be addressed. Lack of moisture caused by the natural loss of energy, slow-motion starts all processes. Choose a cream with fruit acids and rich in vitamin C.

40-year-old age requires extensive resources - moisturizing, having a lifting effect. Compositions enriched in vitamins, ceramides and essential skin hyaluronic acid at this stage.

Change the face cream just because you feel that the skin "used" and means not having the desired effect, is wrong. Signal a change of cream may be a change in her condition - excessive dryness, oiliness, the presence of scaly areas, etc.

The cold season requires the use of creams with a dense texture and plenty of softener, spring and summer skin requires protection from UV light and clean pores.

When changing lifestyle justified and replacement of face cream - diet, for example, causes a loss of nutrients and moisture, so you need to compensate for this deficiency by using a properly sized cream for the skin. Frequent or prolonged stress voltage nervous system affects the condition of the skin (dry, dull, redness), so give it access to vitamins, elastic support and active saturated with moisture should a new face cream.

Tags: skin, face cream, care