Enjoy immersion: Cosmetics Bath

Enjoy immersion: Cosmetics Bath
 Every woman should take care of yourself at any age. With that, take care of your skin can be relaxing, not forcing myself to once again put the cream. The ideal option for this - bath: warm, with foam, with the smell. All you want.

The stores have a fairly wide range of cosmetics for baths: lotions, mousses, foams, liquids and so on. However, you can cook at home, and the effect is no less stunning.
Let's start with the fact that the water temperature should not be too high, because you have to relax and have fun before and after the procedure. In the hot tub, you will feel tired.
Should not take food one hour prior to the procedure and, preferably, one hour after the procedure.
The optimal time bathing - 20 minutes.
We now proceed directly to the composition of baths.

Very good procedure, which, however, requires time spent, bath "Cleopatra." To do this, take 1 liter of milk. Not boiling reheat it and add 100 gr. honey. Stir and leave on the stove. Then mix the salt medium size and sour cream in equal amounts (about 0, 5 cups) and apply in a circular motion over the entire body including the face and neck. Start with the feet. Stand 15-20 minutes and wash off in the shower. In a warm bath add milk with honey and relax as much as you want. This procedure reduces and rejuvenates the skin. Makes it silky.

In the same rejuvenating effect has a bath of 1 egg, whipped to a froth with a half-cup of shampoo and a teaspoon of vanilla. The mixture should be put under a stream of water and foam Hollywood is provided to you.

If you make 1 kg of bran two liters of milk and add a tablespoon of honey, in addition to anti-aging effect for the skin you normalize metabolism.

Bath can be taken with any juices. Need 1 liter. Although if you use natural juices (carrot, beet, orange and so on.) Can be reduced by half. Such bath will be useful for the skin and provide the body with vitamins.

Pour 3 tablespoons of black tea liter of boiling water and after 10-15 minutes, add to the bath. This will improve the tone of the skin.

These recipes are simple enough, but with regular use after 1 week you will feel like the skin changes. Baths can do every day is different and besides vitamins skin fed with moisture and you will forget about dry.

Tags: effect, bath, cosmetics, procedure