Cosmetic correction stop

Cosmetic correction stop
 In the past, people who want to change their appearance, could only dream about it. Today, plastic surgery offers the methods by which you can change the appearance almost completely. The foot is no exception. Cosmetic stop correction is applied for medical purposes, and also to eliminate the disadvantages of the subjective appearance of the leg.

Cosmetic correction stop is required, if the legs were deformed by uncomfortable shoes or due to disease. At first, try different therapies, which as massage. If they fail, it is necessary to resort to surgery.

It is believed that if you constantly wear such shoes, running shoes, the foot is deformed. It becomes more flat, and then the woman can not wear high heel shoes. It is not known how truly running shoes or other similar footwear affect the shape of the foot, but really, the correction of the foot is often done with the purpose to clothe feet in narrow high heel shoes.

In plastic surgery is a procedure that doctors call themselves "Cinderella." During this operation, corrected area of ​​the big toe: bursitis and often decreases tumor, because of which the leg often becomes wider. By the way, the operation with a growth on his thumb do not only for cosmetic purposes, because it happens that your feet start to hurt, it becomes difficult to walk.

Some operations on the foot are purely cosmetic in nature, no favorable health effects they bring. But the beauty demands victims - and these operations are also quite popular. For example, the correction of finger length, called "Perfect Ten". The length of the toe is adjusted so as to lengthen and shorten short fingers are too long, so that together they looked beautiful and harmonious.

Quite popular surgery to correct the form of fingers. Many people on the legs crooked fingers, because the foot - this is the part of the body, which is almost never free. Tight shoes and constant load the entire body mass can deform over time the fingers.

There is even a medical procedure that can reduce the sweating of the feet and prevent the emergence of a fungus of the foot. This injection of Botox.

Podiatrists are skeptical about the people who make transactions solely for aesthetic reasons. The main reason for surgical correction of the foot should be medical evidence, not the whims - believe doctors.

All operations on the foot correction method effects are divided into three types. The first involves working with soft tissues (such as muscles, ligaments, fat, fiber, etc.), the second - with hard tissues (bones and joints), and the third type is a combination of both.

Tags: finger length, foot, correction, injection