Chocolate cosmetics

Chocolate cosmetics
 More recently, talking about the benefits of chocolate. Everyone in the know about endorphins, which fall directly into the brain and cheer us up. Well, except for endorphins, it turned out that chocolate contains antioxidants (anti-aging substances that protect cells from damaging free radicals), trace elements and vitamins (B1, B2, PP and provitamin A). Yes, moreover, possesses anticarcinogenic properties of chocolate (prevents cancer).

In category Beauty: Sea salt

More recently, talking about the benefits of chocolate. Everyone in the know about endorphins, which fall directly into the brain and cheer us up. Well, except for endorphins, it turned out that chocolate contains antioxidants (anti-aging substances that protect cells from damaging free radicals), trace elements and vitamins (B1, B2, PP and provitamin A). Yes, moreover, possesses anticarcinogenic properties of chocolate (prevents cancer).

Private matter - believe these laboratory results or not. But is there any person in the world that would be unpleasant smell of chocolate? It relieves irritation and returns composure. And becauseChocolate cosmetics The good news is only one smell. Yes, and it looks not so bad.

Chocolate wrap
Chocolate wrap has anti-cellulite effect. First, the skin is cleansed scrub. Then - the body is massaged with the help of anti-cellulite serum. Then - the most important part of the procedure, chocolate. And to keep warm - under the thermal blanket. For forty minutes of bathing, the body is as follows: activates the metabolism, toxins, burn fat, skin tones and becomes more elastic. And just a better mood.

Chocolate foot bath
Most spring session - trample on fresh chocolate. Chocolate bath will say goodbye to the typical winter problems: calluses and rough skin of the foot, peeling in places where it ends shoes or boots irritation. Ten minutes in chocolate - and the legs are fully prepared to meet the spring.

Chocolate facial mask
It has excellent anti-aging effect. Besides chocolate contained in a cosmetic oils. That they do their antioxidant deal intensively nourish and moisturize the skin and make it more elastic.

Tags: cosmetics