If you have a wide face, you need to enlarge the eyes. The more and more they will seem, the visual has become your face. On the upper lashes, apply a thick layer of mascara, and bottom do not paint at all.
From round cheeks detract brightly painted eyebrows.
Visually enlarge the mouth, if it seems too small against the background of the whole person, will help increase the lower lip by a lipstick or a pencil, but only in color similar to your natural. To enhance the effect, apply to the middle of the lower lip a shimmering shine.
If you face is too round or flat seems, then highlight the cheeks blush. This will give the face some angularity.
From too wide nose divert attention bright make-up lips and eyes. Apply a light along the bridge foundation. His tone should be about two shades lighter than your usual cream or powder.
Visually shorten a long nose is not difficult. Lighten his powder or cream, it will make the nose wider. And then under the tip of the nose, apply a darker tone, he do pink tip.
If you have round eyes, and you do not like it, apply a strip of shadow from the inner corner of the eye to the outside. Shadows pick delicate shades.
For correction of convex eye shadows, use muted shades. Pale colors to shade the upper eyelid. Emphasize the edge of the lower eyelid. Under the eyebrows, apply a light shade or light cream.
If your eyes are deep set, use a lighter shade. This will increase and make them more expressive. Apply a shadow on the entire eyelid from the inner edge to the outer. Slightly emphasize the shape of the eyes at the outer corner.
If the eyes are planted close, the shadow applied to the eyelid start in the middle. On the nose, between the eyes, apply a very light shade. Arrows do half starting to draw them from the center to the outer edge of the eye.
If the eyes are widely planted, apply a darker shade on the inner part of the eye. And rub them up to the eyebrows. Gently Doris eyebrows closer to the nose.