Eliminate plaque and can be yourself. Firstly, if you smoke, you better give up this bad habit. Cigarettes are one of the reasons for the formation of plaque. As little as possible should be consumed strong tea, coffee and carbonated drinks. Include in your daily diet corn, carrots, cheese, apples and peanuts.
The best way to treat and prevent plaque is considered proper oral hygiene. It is important to brush your teeth right. The toothbrush should be kept at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the gum line. All movements it should be short from top to bottom (upper jaw) and bottom-up (for the bottom).
Brush is desirable to choose a soft, rounded and small sizes. Rubbing her teeth should be carefully without much pressure on them. To combat plaque advised to buy an electric toothbrush.
An excellent solution is to polish teeth baking soda. To do this, take 1 tsp soda and hydrogen peroxide slightly less. The resulting paste with a cotton swab or wipe the drive teeth. Doing this should not be too often, because peroxide may cause thinning of the enamel.
After each meal is recommended to rinse your mouth with water. You can use sugar-free gum. Released during chewing saliva washes her juices, provokes the formation of plaque.
Remove plaque can be using dental floss. Cut 45 cm of thread and wrap one end on the middle finger of one hand, and the other end - on the same finger of the second hand. Between them should stay about 2, 5 cm. Cautious movements back and forth between the teeth of the thread.
When she comes into contact with the gum, fold it with the letter "C" around one tooth and slide it between the gum and down (on the upper teeth) and up (on the lower). All movements should be done slowly and carefully.
Folk remedies plaque removal is considered to be a mixture of 1 tablespoon collection of Lopukhovs root and peel the beans. Components brewed cup of boiling water and leave for 12 hours. The resulting infusion is recommended to take 3 times a day, each time slightly warming agent before use.
You can try to burn down the eggplant and his ashes fingers brushing your teeth 2 times a day. Very soon disappear raid.