The easiest way to settle accounts with individual hairs - pluck them. Pulling tweezers, you remove the hair with its root - bulb. Neurite thus slower.
Dark vellus cover can discolor old but proven way: chop 1 tablet gidroperita, diluted to a slurry of 3% hydrogen peroxide and add 2-3 drops of ammonia. The resulting mixture was put on lightens site for 5-10 minutes. After the slurry washed with water, be sure to apply a nourishing cream on the skin. Sores, inflammation and pimples exclude this procedure!
You can try waxing or sugar. Need to melt the sugar, a little cool. Not too hot mass (be sure to check dripped on the wrist), apply to small areas of the skin strokes. The cooled crust tear against the hair growth. Wax and sugar hair removal is possible only on the regrown hairs.
There are various creams for hair removal. Mechanism of their effects - the destruction of the hair shaft. Regrowth while not slowing down, as the hair follicle remains intact. Typically, depilatory skin irritation, facial use it with caution is necessary.
Armed with patience and abrasive products - pumice, for example, it can be almost invisible hairs. But this method is not for the face: strong reddening will be provided.
All of these methods are only a temporary effect. For a complete hair removal hair removal needs. Laser epilation and destroy the hair follicle, so it is no longer growing. However, not all follicles are destroyed in the first session. Need repeated, and their number is set individually. It's pretty expensive "pleasure" and not painless.