How to get rid of acne on the neck

How to get rid of acne on the neck
 Pimples on the neck are the result of hormonal changes, disorders of the endocrine system, errors in diet, stress, and violations of the rules of personal hygiene. Try to find out the cause of the problem and take her elimination.
 Inspect your clothes - sometimes acne on the neck can be triggered uncomfortable and high collars that rub the skin and cause irritation. If the clothes are made from synthetic fabrics, the appearance of fine rash is quite justified - sweating occurs regularly throughout the day, but it is not absorbed clothing. If you have long hair, then constant touch their neck, especially during the warmer months, can cause acne. Change your hair style - start collecting hair in a ponytail, lift them up, fix the pins, etc.

If you try to disguise acne foundation or powder, it will only reinforce the inflammation and increase the area of ​​its distribution - so do not gloss over the acne makeup.

Wash every day, morning and evening, and if necessary, clean the neck during the day with antibacterial wipes for the face. Of course, your clothing should be changed daily and bed linen - once a week.

Acne on any part of the body or person associated with a food - eliminate from your diet oily, spicy, salty and sugary foods, or at least limit your intake of these foods. Sodas and excess coffee or strong tea can also trigger the appearance of acne on the neck.

Every evening, removing makeup, pay close attention to the skin of the neck - lubricate it with disinfectant lotions and tonics. You can use one of the ready-made compositions or make antiseptic solution on their own. Take a cucumber or lemon juice, add to it a decoction of chamomile and wipe your face with a cotton swab dipped in a liquid. You can burn pimples on neck with tincture of calendula mixed with a little water and honey. To the bursting of an abscess quickly tightened, disinfect it with tonic and apply the mixture on the pimple whipped egg whites and lemon juice.

In the morning, wipe the skin with a piece of ice, which prepare herbal infusions of calendula, chamomile or mint. Sometimes it is useful to make fermented milk (kefir, cottage cheese) compresses which soothe the skin, inhibit the spread of acne and pores.

Tags: skin, acne, care, cleaning