The great popularity of glycerol due to several of its merits. First, it has the ability to attract moisture from the environment. Second, it greatly enhances the protective barrier, protecting the skin from harmful chemicals and keeping it the right amount of moisture. Third, glycerin regulates the processes of natural exfoliate dead skin cells skin. Fourth, it has a beneficial effect on the hair, providing them with moisture and protecting against exposure to high temperatures, such as during installation.
In addition to these advantages, glycerol does not cause allergy and is capable of exerting a therapeutic effect on the skin, while accelerating its curing some diseases. Lubricating the skin them for cuts or burns, can accelerate the healing of wounds. Glycerin is indispensable for insect bites, minor inflammation, as it has the property to weaken itching.
Currently, the composition of many shampoos and conditioners, moisturizing and nourishing, lotions for the skin, and many varieties of soap, a special medical cosmetics necessarily present this miracle ingredient.
Simply make a mask for hydration, nutrition and toning the skin at home. This will require a dilute glycerol in water (ratio 1: 5) and pour the resulting solution pre-milled together with a piece of lemon peel, then add a bit of sour cream and egg yolk. Prepared mask to apply on face. Duration of treatment is a quarter of an hour and then wash off the mask with warm boiled water. For oily skin of the face is very effective mixture of glycerin with any sort of cosmetic clay (white, blue, green).
You can prepare and shampoo, consisting of glycerol broth chamomile flowers and soap chips. Shampooing this composition will give hair shine and healthy appearance, will contribute to their growth, strengthen and prevent their loss.