In the rubric of Your Beauty: How to reduce irritation after shaving
When the wash is harmful
To skin remains soft and supple, sebaceous glands produce lipid-secret. Ideally, it is uniformly distributed over the surface of the face, forming a kind of protective film. However, in reality it is not so smoothly due to hormonal, seasonal, age causes changes in metabolism, the amount of sebum production can be increased, which leads to clogged pores. Under the influence of air oxidized grease tube, and there is an ugly comedo - black dot. And if you get a clogged pore bacteria, becomes inflamed, and now Is Red pimple on the face. Skin imperfections - it's not a question of hygiene and cleanliness, it is a matter for the proper care. Too frequent and aggressive effect on the skin with soap, water, an alcohol leads only to the fact that regularly deprives the skin secretion product falls into confusion and begins to produce more fat. Yourself to get rid of clogged pores skin can not. She needs help.
Consultation with a specialist center or beauty clinic, to determine the level and causes of pollution far and competent selection of an effective method of cleaning can make it so that you will again feel comfortable in their skin. Regular (on average once a month) from excess facial cleansing products "overdone" glands with classic manual, ultrasonic, Vacuum, laser or galvanic cleaning will help to normalize the metabolism and restore skin radiance and health. It only remains to choose the best way for you.
Mechanical cleaning of the face
Sleight of hand or mini vacuum cleaner?
Cleaning of the face can be compared with artificial respiration - are exempt from sebaceous plugs pores enthusiastically absorb oxygen and moisture, effectively respond to treatments aftercare - masks, massage. One popular method of cleaning isclassic manual (manual) way - Extended by means of vaporization (bactericidal mixture of wet steam with ozone), a simple steaming or special opening of the pores are subjected to pressure fingers beautician, causing the contents removed comedones and pimples. This method is traditionally considered to be the most effective in the problem and oily skin with multiple defects - as a specialist treats each painstakingly hand-clogged pore, it can, in some cases, to achieve good results.
Kind of manual cleaning - mechanical, beautician when working with double-sided metal spoon-loop. However, worrying about getting rid of clogged pores, do not write off the consequences: unprofessional and sloppy for manual cleaning does not improve, and spoils the face, causing inflammation and redness, microtrauma. Extremely contraindicated mechanical manual cleaning those whose skin is sensitive, prone to prolonged healing - they have the recovery process, during which decay to swelling and redness passes, may take much longer than the standard 1-2 days. In addition, manual cleaning is the most painful way to get rid of the contents far, even when using drugs that reduce trauma.
Advantages: High efficiency provided professional artist.
Shortcomings: Number of parameters outdated and rather painful way.
Vacuum cleaning person
The main competitor longevity cosmetology - manual cleaning - becamehardware vacuum cleaning person Its main difference from the manual that the current object does not become a cosmetologist fingers and a special tube that is connected to the device, creates a vacuum, negative pressure. This tiny vacuum cleaner cleans previously open pores, pulling their contents. Vacuum cleaning is virtually painless and atraumatic, in addition, a similar approach to cleanse clogged pores reduces the risk of infection and allows you to remove the grease tube in tight spaces (for example, in the ears). However, it is often not enough power vacuum in order to completely clean especially difficult sites, then you can offer combined vacuum cleaning with subsequent manual. Vacuum cleaning has massage and lymphatic drainage effect, helping to update the upper layer of the epidermis and enrich the blood supply to the skin and is often recommended as a tonic for the skin begins to fade. But be careful - in some cases "vacuum" effect on sensitive skin like a manual cleaning, leaving a lasting redness and swelling.
Advantages: Painless, quick and hygienic way.
Disadvantages: not suitable for patients with significantly contaminated pores with excessively dry skin and does not apply if the blood vessels close to the surface of the skin.
Ultrasonic cleaning of the face
In the apparatus!
Arsenal hardware to clean skin of the face is not exhausted by a vacuum cleaner then. Among the increasingly popular hardware methods also include ultrasonic and galvanic cleaning.
Ultrasonic cleaning - Non-invasive way to skin using VHF. Skin tonic processed on the basis of mineral water or a special gel, and then exposed to volnogeneratora. Open pores, dirt come to the surface and immediately removed. The advantages of ultrasound is its ability to gently exfoliate dead skin cells, acting anti-inflammatory and smooth skin turgor, making wrinkles and scars less noticeable. In addition, ultrasound procedures help regulate sebum production and narrow pores. Cleaning with ultrasound - fairly soft and, despite undoubted merits, in the presence of obvious defects of the skin it is recommended to combine with a more pronounced pore cleansing method, such as vacuum. In addition, the ultrasonic treatment is contraindicated skin subjected to the gold reinforcement during pregnancy, as well as a number of diseases, including vitiligo and benign.
Advantages: Progressive procedure heals the skin and stimulates the metabolism.
Shortcomings: Can not be used in the presence of medical contraindications.
Galvanic cleaning or Desincrustation - Deep cleansing facial using galvanic current. Its weak low voltage level initially soften sebaceous plugs, which are then subjected to an alkali and, as a result of organic processes go as far. soap. The starting point of the method dezinkrustatsii is the fact that the skin contamination can not be qualitatively remove without first dissolving. Desincrustation shows good results in the restoration of the skin structure, alignment of its relief and reduction in the thickness of the upper layer of the epidermis, which is often accompanied by acne and acne. Some specialists recommend the use of galvanic cleaning in conjunction with a vacuum - so the remains of sebum leaving the "home place" more smoothly and efficiently than using a vacuum with subsequent manual "dochistkoy". The only "but" - to resort to dezinkrustatsii should be strictly limited to the frequency. This intensive procedure, repeating over and above measures, leads to increased sebum production. Galvanic cleaning can not be used in vitiligo and some skin diseases.
Advantages: Thanks to the dissolution of the content then becomes particularly thorough cleansing.
Shortcomings: Not recommended for frequent use, there are medical contraindications.
Discarding old
Chemical and Laser cleaning, in fact, are peeling (from English to peel - scrape, peel). Their principle is similar to the impact - both methods are aimed at removing the thin top layer of skin and do not work, "depth". However, they are also referred to as cosmetic procedures cleaning the face, which, however, is true - they clean the surface of the skin of excess secretions and dead cells. In laser cosmetic cleansing applied laser beam, as if sliding on the surface of the skin and "eats" its top layer while aligning relief. The procedure is painless, and gives amazing sparing healthy complexion, however, able to turn redness for sensitive skin. After the procedure, the laser cleaning processes are enhanced protein synthesis of elastin and collagen, making the skin supple. Dry cleaning (surface, at least - the median chemical peeling) solutions based on the action of fruit acids or salicylic and glycolic acid. Solution was applied to a specially prepared skin and operate by dissolving the dead cells and the sebaceous plug. Result and effect in many respects depend on the professionalism beautician - incorrectly calculated the proportion or incorrect application of the mixture will not lead to the delight of healthy renewed skin, and to suffering from chemical burns.
Advantages: Painless and visibly renew the skin, help to fight with the shortcomings of its relief.
Shortcomings: Are superficial, do not provide deep cleaning pores, it is undesirable to use in the summer due to the increased sensitivity of the skin after the procedure.
Olga mob
Women's magazine JustLady