Before turning to prescription masks, let's take a look at the general rules.
Eye masks: Rules of application and use
First, the skin should be cleaned. If you applied makeup, then it must be removed using cleaning agents and alcohol-free skin to treat mild tonic.
Mask is best prepared immediately before use, so that it does not lose its nutritional properties and does not cause irritation to the delicate skin.
Imposeeye mask better than the skin, and a piece of cheesecloth. If you want to put it directly on the skin, be very careful not to injure the skin and avoid contact with the mucous membrane mixture eyes.
The mask is applied for 10-20 minutes. After that, it should be carefully remove and wash the skin around the eyes with warm water or herbal infusion. At the end of the skin can be dry with a soft towel or leave to dry naturally.
Masks usually make up to three times a week, while from time to time need to change their structure to the skin is not used to it.
If you notice after the mask deterioration of the skin, then think about the score for this mask, maybe you should choose a different composition. And of course, do not use masks substances and products for which you are allergic.
Eye masks: Recipes
Eye masks from edema
Eye mask potato
For the preparation of need: a tablespoon of raw potatoes, grated on a fine grater, at first a teaspoon of white flour and cream. The cream can be replaced by milk. All ingredients are mixed and applied to the skin around the eyes (or better on a piece of gauze) and hold up to 20 minutes. After that wash off the mask with cool water and put nourishing cream around the eyes.
Eye mask from milk and vegetable broths
For the preparation you will need: a tablespoon of chamomile, 4 tablespoons of flaxseed, 200 ml of hot milk or cream. Prepare the infusion of chamomile, consulting the instructions on the package. Flaxseed is divided into two portions, each put in a bag of gauze and immerse in hot milk or cream. Soak for 20 minutes, cool to normal temperature (not completely, but that they were warm) and place on eyelids. After 20 minutes, remove the mask and the skin around the eyes simple cold infusion of chamomile.
Eye mask of sour cream and parsley
For the preparation you will need: a teaspoon of finely chopped parsley, grated until the juice, two teaspoons of sour cream. The mixture was applied to the area around the eyes, and keeps up to 30 minutes, then gently washed with cold water.
Eye masks nutritious
Eye Mask "Strawberries and cream"
For the preparation you will need: 2-3 large ripe strawberries, a teaspoon of heavy cream, a teaspoon of honey. Strawberry mash with a fork, mix with cream, add honey. The mixture was put on the gauze and put on the eye area. After 20 minutes, remove the mask, wipe the skin cool milk.
Eye mask "Apricot dessert"
For the preparation you will need: a tablespoon of cream, a teaspoon of oatmeal, 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed Tolowa Language apricot juice. All mix thoroughly, put on a piece of gauze and apply to eyelids. After 20 minutes, rinsed with warm water.
Eye mask curd
For the preparation of need: a teaspoon of natural honey, 3 teaspoons of fresh cheese. All mixed to the consistency of thick cream and put on forever through cheesecloth. Hold 20 minutes, rinse swab dipped in cold milk.
Eye masks wrinkles
Eye mask of honey and egg white
For preparation will need: 2 teaspoons of honey and barley flour, egg white. All mix thoroughly, apply on the eyelid skin. Hold mask can be up to 30 m minutes, wash first with hot and then cold water.
The mask of herbal infusions and fat
For the preparation you will need: herbs chamomile, mint, oregano, sage, natural melted goose, pork or chicken fat. 1 tablespoon of the mixture of herbs prepare infusion: a good chop herbs, pour a glass of boiled water, 8 hours. Strain, collect herbal mush. Fat mixed with herbal gruel, put it in the oven to soften, cool to an acceptable temperature, applied to the area around the eyes. After 20-30 minutes rinse with milk, water or herbal infusion.
Eye mask with almond oil
Almond oil gently hammered into the skin around the eyes, focusing on wrinkles. After 20-30 minutes, carefully remove the remnants of oil cloth. Apply the cream field of such a procedure is not required.
Eye mask for dark circles
Eye mask asparagus
For the preparation you will need: fresh asparagus, 2 teaspoons of peach, olive or almond oil. Fresh asparagus squeeze the juice. Mix 2 teaspoons of juice and 2 teaspoons oil. In the resulting mixture dip pieces of gauze or cotton pads and put on the area around the eyes for 20 minutes. After removing the mask pat the skin tissue, nourishing cream is better not to apply.
Eye Mask of fresh potatoes
Peeled raw potatoes grate. Two tablespoons of chips put on two pieces of gauze and placed on the eyelids, hold for 20 minutes. At the end of time, remove the mask, and the area around the eyes to put the cream with vitamins A and E.
Eye mask of cucumber juice
Grate cucumber and collect the juice. Dip cotton pads in it and attach to the skin under the eyes, hold for 15 minutes. For the same purpose, you can use the round slices of fresh cucumber.
Also, do not forget the daily clean skin around the eyes before going to sleep and regularly apply a special cream for eyelids.
Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady