Cosmetologists, armed with modern equipment, this technology achieve incredible results. It does not require any surgery. Akvadermagenez - it's hardware, but sparing procedure. Its principle is to clean the upper layers of the skin-to-date on the dead skin cells and its subsequent rejuvenation of saturation with nutrients. Accordingly, the two stages and the process includes:
The first stage - the cleansing of the skin. During the first stage of the epidermis layer from the upper purified using bioabraziva - the powder prepared from the fruit pits. This action improves the skin relief and stimulate new cell as a positive effect on blood circulation and produces stimulation of the basal layers of the epidermis. Rejuvenates the skin, fade dark spots, fine wrinkles go away, but the injury did not cause any. According to experts, this procedure as akvadermagenez as a whole, self-contained and completely harmless. Such purification, incidentally, can be used not only in combination but also independently.
The second stage - saturation. During the second stage, an aqueous solution saturated with nutrients under pressure is introduced into the deeper layers of the skin, saturating it with active ingredients: plant extracts, minerals and vitamins. After receiving this "injection", the epidermis thickens, increased production of natural collagen, the skin becomes taut and fresh.
Ultimately, the procedure gives a smooth akvadermageneza beautiful complexion, elastic smooth skin that shines vitality, youth and health. The skin gets rid of the defects and imperfections.
Contraindications for this procedure:
- Cancer;
- Pregnancy and lactation;
- The presence of herpes (especially in the active stage);
- Any inflammatory processes (open sores, ulcers, etc.).