How to improve complexion at home

How to improve complexion at home
 Healthy complexion - the key to a beautiful appearance. Smooth, healthy skin looks very attractive, so virtually all women who take care of themselves, take care of the complexion. Of course, to solve this problem, you can turn to cosmetologists. However, you can not always find the time and money to make regular visits to beauty salons. But the complexion can be improved and at home.

Beautiful complexion depends on many factors, primarily on the state of your health. Therefore it is necessary to watch your diet and give up bad habits.

The facial skin requires regular and careful maintenance. It should be cleaned with special lotions and tonics and every day to wash off makeup cosmetics designed specifically for this procedure. Also, people with oily skin should periodically deep peeling, and those who have dry skin, use different Mousses and gels for washing.

It will be useful to use moisturizing and nourishing creams and sunny days use special protective cream. Winter time frosts and cold with a strong wind to use moisturizers, on the contrary, is not recommended. It is better to put on the face greasy cream that can protect the skin from exposure to the cold.

To maintain a healthy complexion do not forget to use plenty of water and visit the open air, sleep at least seven to eight hours a day and exercise. Due to physical stress, improves metabolism, and body are derived from all the toxins. Water will help to keep the skin elasticity, fresh air will saturate your body with oxygen, and sleep will give your body a rest, and the skin to recover after a hard day.

Improve the complexion at home help and beauty masks, but we must understand that this procedure alone is not enough. Regular comprehensive skin care, healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition - that's something that will help to keep your beauty.

Tags: person, house pets, condition, color, method improvement