How to burn pimples

How to burn pimples
 As stated in the basic law Murphy, if trouble can happen, it will happen. This fully applies to the scourge of acne. At the crucial moment when you have to look good, the most prominent place suddenly blooms pimple straight from the tin.
 Remove it or make a completely invisible once will not work. To reduce some pimple in size, it is necessary to cauterize. This can be done using a regular cologne or alcohol-containing lotion. Take a cotton swab or cotton ball, soak a good cologne (lotion), attach to the place where there was a pimple. Do not rub the skin around. Simply press firmly fleece with cologne. Repeat the same thing several times.

Good for the acne mixture of soda, salt and soap. You will need a teaspoon of baking soda, a teaspoon of salt and a tablespoon of soap chips. Chips need to bring a small amount of warm water to the consistency of sour cream, add salt and soda there, quickly stir. The resulting mixture, you can either put on the skin as a mask or a dot, using a cotton swab. This mixture is very dry skin, so you need to wash it off fairly quickly (the mask does not keep more than a minute). If handled directly pimple itself, it is permissible to leave it for three minutes.

In addition, a better effect can be achieved by cauterizing acne after application of cosmetic clay. First, make a mask out of clay (it moderately dry skin), then prizhgite problem areas cologne.

Try to cauterize them instead of cologne alcoholic solution of iodine. Will partial pigmentation, but pimples disappear fast. Specific staining of the skin with iodine will be easy to hide the foundation or powder.

In the hot season cleans the skin of solar radiation. When fresh tan pimples appear very rarely. If your skin tolerates the sun, the shoulders and neck area during the summer will be a lot less trouble you in terms of unwanted rash.

Remember that before cauterization in any case it is not necessary to squeeze the pimples. This can lead to the appearance of small scars, marks, which over time will become more deeply and makes your skin really problematic.

Tags: pimple, deliverance, moxibustion