Face mask of aspirin

Face mask of aspirin
 We are confident that aspirin available in any or almost any apartment. And if the pills and no buy something they do not make the slightest difficulty. So, in its composition have acetylsalicylic acid, which is often found in vehicles used for the face. This acid is used in cosmetics as a scavenger, reducing the pores of the skin and the fat component. Anti-inflammatory properties of aspirin in high esteem. Did you know that of aspirin can make a mask? But read.

In order to make a mask of aspirin, you'll need one tablet of aspirin (not fizzy), a teaspoon of honey. If you are allergic to honey, instead, you can use any cream.

Make a mask is very simple: moisten slightly aspirin water. After the tablet swells, grind it to a state of the liquid slurry and add honey or cream. Stir until smooth. The mask is ready.

Cleanse the skin with your favorite tools. Apply the mask to damp face and it will last about five to seven minutes. After this time, gently massage your face one to two minutes and rinse off the mask.

It is recommended to make a mask of aspirin of about one to three times a week, but no more. This is true for oily, normal and combination skin. If you have dry skin or sensitive, it is best not to use a mask. In extreme cases, it can be done in a weak concentration of aspirin and no more than once a week.

To reduce the cooking process masks based on aspirin tablets grinding grinder for the future. The tablets should grind to a state of flour. At the same time, there should be a single bolus (even the smallest). Keep the resulting "flour" should be in a dry place. This can be tightly sealed cans of cream or some similar containers;

Not necessarily to use for making masks imported aspirin. Believe me, our native aspirin practically does not differ from overseas. And it costs much cheaper.

Tags: face mask, acid, aspirin