Facelift at home

Facelift at home
 The law of gravity has not been canceled, and it is important not only for physicists, but also for cosmetologists. After all, under the influence of gravity while gradually becomes weaker muscles oval of the face loses its sharpness, there are bags under the eyes, chin and some other signs of skin aging. But somehow made primarily not fight against these phenomena, but only with wrinkles. Of course, the fight against wrinkles is justified, but also tightening the skin should be paid no less attention. In this case, it is better not only to enlist the support of cosmetologists, but also to make their own liftingovye procedure. After a face lift at home can also be effective if used effective methods. About what methods facelift at home are the most effective, and tell the women's magazine JustLady.

Before you meet with the basic tools forfacelift at homeNeed to learn the basic prohibitions, the violation of which may lead to aggravation of the situation with sagging skin and, consequently, the formation of wrinkles and folds.

First of all, pay attention to how you sleep. Try to sleep on your back, without causing stretching of the skin in contact with the cushion. After all, each of us knows that simply by contact with the pillow case does not end, and this is often say "dents" in the skin, formed after a good night's sleep "face in the pillow."

Also, watch out for touching the skin. Once again it is better not to touch the face. Firstly, the hands are not always clear, and secondly, leaning on the hand or with a small force just touching the face, we stretch the skin, thereby accelerating the loss of process definition oval face. The same applies to the process of washing and removing makeup. Do this gently, without stretching the skin (especially around the eyes).

Well, now I come to the means, the regular use of which will be the proof thatface lift at home effective.

Facelift at home

Beauty products for the face lift at home

As a rule, cosmetics for skin tightening face do not contain the name of the word "lift". To denote this term is commonly used English counterpart - the word "lifting". Therefore, it is on liftingovye means to look for when choosing means to combat fading skin at home.

Of course, the first means, the choice of which must be adapted to the goals, is a face cream. In addition to the ingredients contributing to wrinkles, it should also comprise those which provide a noticeable skin tightening. Usually lifting creams widely used collagen, algae, as well as all kinds of complexes, which are authoring cosmetics manufacturers.

When buying a lifting cream note that some tools are designed for instant action. They can really give instant tightening effect, which at the same time, is not stored for a long time. But from a cream for daily use instant effect can be expected, but the result of its use will be more stable.

Another cosmetic product, standing guard of beauty and form a beautiful oval face, a lifting mask.Facelift at home using this tool is really effective, especially in combination with lifting cream. But do not take place with the purchase of a room lifting mask and use it at best once a month. It is important the systemic approach of daily application of the cream and use a lifting lifting mask 2-3 times a week.


If for any reason there is no opportunity to visit a beautician for procedures facial massage, then as an alternative to perfect and self-massage. This procedure provides the skin comprehensive health effects, including a lifting, soface lift at home must include this type of massage.

Self-massage is based on light stroking movements, improves blood circulation and lymph flow, and strengthens the muscles. Fingertips stroking his forehead from the bottom up, and then the cheek toward the temple for 3 minutes. The optimal number of procedures of self-massage - 20, with the need to carry out their 2 - 3 times a week, do not forget the pre-cleanse the skin of the face and hands.

Andface lift at home may include a special, contrasting against the massage double chin. For its implementation need a towel, water and a desire to look young and fresh.

Soak a folded towel in cold salted water, and holding it ends, do Clap movement chin. Repeat pat 10 times, then do the same thing, but a towel moistened with warm water.

By the way, the second chin. It may appear long before you realize that it is time to use a lifting makeup. Agree, oval face double chin can badly tarnished, so let's talk about the second chin, and on how to deal with it more in detail.

The chin should be one!

One of the most unpleasant events requiring immediate lifting - a double chin. But I must say, it is this phenomenon and clean at home is easier than, for example, bags under the eyes or other effects of gravity and loosening the muscles on the face.

The most simple exercise, the implementation of which clearly do not have to like the second chin - alternate pronunciation of sounds with muscle tension "and" and "y". This option is suitable even notorious lazy, and it can be practiced even instead of the usual morning songs in the shower.

Ifface lift at home for you today is one of the most important tasks you can perform more complex, and thus more effective exercises against a second chin. For example, sitting straight, try to delete the chin, counteracting the force of two fists wildcard below. Then open your mouth and stick out your tongue, trying to reach out to them to the chin. Efficient implementation of this exercise is not to really get the tongue to the chin, and to feel how tense the muscles and work.

Facelift at home is very real, and its ineffectiveness may speak only those experimenters who picked the wrong makeup, but still use it from time to time, every three months, remember that it is time to do massage, and thus also do not try lead a healthy lifestyle. But you are determined and will comply with all rules and exercises clearly, right?

 Inna Dmitrieva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: chin, mask, wrinkle, cosmetics, exercise, fight, operation, oval, procedure, lift, lifting, self-massage