How to use the serum for the face

How to use the serum for the face
 Until recently, serum, or serums are considered highly professional product. They were used only Estheticians during certain procedures. Now, this product can be freely bought in the store. But not many people know what whey and how to properly use it.
 Unlike lotions, any whey contains about 10 times more active substances. This is the cause of its high efficiency. However, it should be remembered that the use of serum following courses, as with the help of easy to oversaturate the skin with nutrients and obtain as a result of an allergic reaction. With extreme caution should be used serum for people with sensitive skin. High concentrations of the components can cause inflammation, redness and other dermal reactions.

Apply serum to cleansed and toned skin. Since this is a concentrated product, one or two drops will be enough for the entire face. If the manufacturer does not provide otherwise, the tool easily "hammered" into the skin with your fingertips. Give serum soak for 10-15 minutes. Thereafter can be applied to the same face cream line. Paired serum it will work much better. Further it creates a barrier, preventing the active ingredients serum evaporate from the skin.

Modern serum can be used as a single product and do not require the application of the cream on top. Moreover, if the means are different series, their active ingredients may start undesired reaction and cause redness and itching.

Serum should choose, not based on their skin type and based on the problems that it must eliminate. Serum are common spectrum (moisturizing, firming, energy). In this case they are applied to the entire face. But there are some foods that should solve local problems (regulation of the sebaceous glands, anti-inflammatory, bleaching). They are not only possible, but also should be applied to the problem area, in this case, you can combine them with other sera.

Differ in serum and its structure. They are oil-based and water. The first should be used in winter and spring, when the skin is most needed additional protection. Water-based serum are ideal for use in summer and autumn.

It should be remembered that none of even the expensive whey can not solve the problems of the skin, if you do not care for it regularly. And if the effect of the means invisible, maybe it was chosen incorrectly. Or the problem that it must decide not exist.

Tags: skin, face care, serum