How to tweeze her eyebrows?

How to tweeze her eyebrows?
 Choosing a particular shape of eyebrows, you change the view of the more mysterious and deep, turn it into a more glamorous and attractive to others. The shape of the eyebrows can be straight, circular, polygonal and curved. Daily adjust the shape. Stock up with tweezers designed for plucking, white eyeliner applicator for eyebrows and a thin brush.  

If you tweeze eyebrows at home, rather than in the office of a cosmetologist, then consider some features of the process and use little tricks. Since the procedure, conduct disinfection tools. Wipe them with an alcoholic solution of boric acid or, you can use other means. Also, disinfect and degrease the skin around the site of the eyebrows.

Take a white pencil and mark the point that marks the beginning and end of the line of the eyebrows. Determine the correct proportions of the face. To do this, attach a pencil vertically with respect to the wing of the nose. According to this line is the start point of the eyebrow. The outer ends of the eyebrows are generally not limited. Do this as an exception, if you think your eyebrows too short or, conversely, long. Short line eyebrows, paint on her follow-up, and on a long line to remove excess hair with tweezers.

Special applicator attach to the inner edge, from where the eyebrow. Now the circle with a pencil outline. Eyebrows flatten special brush.

Stretch the skin around the eyebrows and start to pull out hairs. Move along the bottom edge of the brow line.

After the procedure, be sure to plucking treat your skin to pull out section of antiseptic cream. So you can avoid the appearance of inflammation and remove redness.

Plucked eyebrows, to correctly determine their color. Make sure that the color contrast eyebrows did not differ from natural or artificial color of your hair. If you are fair-haired blonde with fair skin, you'd better suited eyebrows, painted in a light brown tone. For blondes, having a golden honey color of hair is better to use light colors gray or brown. If you are brunette, prefer dark gray and dark brown. Classic black color now use burning brunette.

When you apply the shadow, try, so they do not extend beyond the eyebrows.

Tags: shape, eyebrow plucking