Facelift: Pros and Cons

Facelift: Pros and Cons
 Already at a fairly young age can be observed the first signs of skin aging - crow's feet around the eyes and wrinkles. The main cause of aging - the lack of elastin and collagen, because production of these substances with age gradually decreases. More and more women turn to face lift procedure. But first must weigh the "pros" and "cons".
 After thirty years of skin elasticity is reduced, and shows small wrinkles, which subsequently deepened and transformed into the fold. Get rid of them later proves to be very difficult, even with regular visits to cosmetic salon. So in this case will be more effective to use a modern procedure for skin tightening face - lifting.

Lifting the facial skin is a process of removing excess skin, which was formed in your lifelong. Therefore facelift - it's more effective way to make a person more beautiful and younger by a few years. The best age for such procedures - from thirty-five to sixty years. With age, the connective tissue of the skin weakens and begins to pull down - to sag. Since she can no longer hold the muscles sag - formed folds and wrinkles.

Equally important for the skin plays a lifestyle that you lead: consumption of alcohol, failure to exercise, and smoking - these are the reasons why the skin of your face has to suffer. Facelift will help you get rid of double chin, smooth out creases and wrinkles, tighten the face and neck. This removes excess skin laxity and formed a clear face and highlights the chin line.

So how can such a popular operation is performed? Preauricular small incision is made, which later goes around the earlobe and slid behind the ear, ending in the occipital region. Then the ousting of the skin and release of the muscle layer, which is subsequently tightened to the desired state, the fixation.

The doctor then puts internal stitches and a bandage, which resembles a cap. The average operation lasts about two hours, and you can hold a special correction of nasolabial folds with a special gel. The first day after surgery you will be under supervision in a hospital, then you can go home and come only on the tenth day for removal of sutures. Fully formed person in about two months, and the effect of lifting last ten years.

Are you in danger after such an operation, and what?

After lifting facial bruising may occur, but modern techniques - it is rather rare.
Next phenomenon - skin necrosis, which is associated with inadequate blood circulation of the skin.
If the patient is quite sensitive skin of the face, when intradermal hemorrhage may occur skin pigmentation.

The appearance of wrinkles, contact an experienced specialist who will help you deal with the problem. Very important is the right choice of clinic and experienced surgeon, otherwise the consequences could be dire.

Tags: face lifting