Unusual dishes for the New Year

Unusual dishes for the New Year
 Very often in the New Year going to the same people - relatives, friends, colleagues. And treat them from year to year by the same want less. Without the usual "Olivier" and "herring under a fur coat" someone a holiday is not a holiday. But you can diversify treats something interesting and unconventional.
 Since New Year's feast lasts all night, it makes sense to make some simple, low-calorie, but delicious cold snacks, which made the table richer, but will not have any adverse effects on the stomach.

Make a variety of tapas. So called small, one bite sandwiches. Instead shpazhek can take a toothpick and strung them on pieces of sausage, cheese, any meat products, smoked and salted fish, gherkins and olives. Of course, the combination of ingredients - at your discretion. Bread does not necessarily have to be present in such sandwiches.

An excellent option for New Year's table will be a variety of rolls in a pita. In the filling of crab sticks, eggs, cream cheese, fresh or dried herbs and add mayonnaise wrapped in thin pita. Hold little in the refrigerator and cut into narrow rings.

Salad of the so-called Chinese cabbage (a kind of lettuce) with the addition of chicken meat, fresh cucumber and grape halves is very tasty, but it's not easy and high-calorie. Dressing for this salad is best done from a vegetable oil with a small amount of apple cider or wine vinegar.

Interesting replacement of the famous "herring under a fur coat" can be a once very popular, and today unjustly forgotten dish mincemeat. It is believed that it came from the Jewish cuisine. Herring fillets, onion, bread mince (or ground in a blender), add the grated sour apple, boiled eggs. In the resulting mixture, add a little vegetable oil and vinegar, then put in a bowl and sprinkle with green onions. Optionally, you can add a little butter.

As you can file a la carte hot pots with julienne - dish of chopped chicken, mushrooms, onions and mayonnaise mixture with cheese. Preparing it quickly from inexpensive ingredients.

A variety of seafood (shrimp, squid fillet, mussels) - it's lovely is to prepare appetizers, salads, hot dishes. Useful and low-calorie, they must attend the New Year's table.

Tags: year table