Slippers with their hands

Slippers with their hands
 Buy today slippers easier: went to the clothing store or supermarket, marveled at the variety of colors and styles, bought slippers. However, much more comfortable and pleasant walk around the house in slippers made with his own hands - namely, related to sneakers. In winter, warm and comfortable slippers are simply irreplaceable. If you have a ready-made and rather rigid insole, based on them can be done other than knitted Slippers. If no insoles, they are easy to buy in the store.

So, take the right size ready insoles. Tie them insoles by the hook, as on the pattern - columns with nakida. Constantly try on ready insoles to your product, making ubavki or adding where necessary.

Now begin to knit the upper part of the future slipper. A size and its width is determined individually on the leg. Next constantly monitor this part when knitting leg and insole.

Then get the workpiece need to tie on the edge. Take two insoles - you and the associated shopping, put them on each other and tie on the edge by the hook contrasting thread. Knit columns without nakida (three columns from one base-holes).

In the same way tie and upper slipper (which you will have a single, without substrate). Now details slipper need to put together. To do this, first of all attach to the upper part of the insole and tie using the hook thread color finishing joint (columns without nakida). If you want more comfort, slipper heel contact on the same principle.

Linking the second slippers, took over the decoration of finished products. To do this, associate leaves with flowers (or other image of your choice). To figure was not too big or too small, limit three leaves and flowers on the same three every slippers.

You can associate a pattern in the form of your zodiac sign. These slippers can be worn not only themselves, but also to give the loved one. And rest assured - your gift will be appreciated.

Tags: home, hand, slipper, knitting, sneaker, hook, sewing