How to sew a hole in his trousers

How to sew a hole in his trousers
 Even the most beloved and durable clothing has an unpleasant feature tear. Pants in this sense - the most vulnerable part of the wardrobe. They can break on a sharp object, rub the bottom and between her legs, burn accidentally falling ash. Immediately dispose of your favorite pants are not worth it. Very often they are unable to put in order.
 Very much depends on, what exactly you are dealing trousers. If they are part of a business suit and you want to continue to wear them in the same capacity - see where the hole is, how it is obtained and how the land can bring together. Can not be repaired only big ragged hole in the most prominent place. In this case, from the pants have to abandon or radically update them.

If the business pants ripped at the seam, turn them on the wrong side. Jotted the fracture, starting a little closer gap and ending a few inches dalshe.Obrabotayte allowances as well as in the rest shvah.V remote places can be connected seam manually. For strength sew it 2-3.

A small hole, the edges of which can be combined, it is better to stick. Cut a piece of adhesive nonwoven. It should be a little more holes. Baste it with the wrong side so that the adhesive layer is in contact with the tissue. Carefully align the edge of the hole, you can tack them to interlining, that did not disperse. Priutyuzhte gasket. This operation is most conveniently done on a module of the ironing board, intended for the sleeve. This method is valid if the hole is not very visible place - for example, between the toes or on the bottom of the trouser.

Dressy pants or business formed in plain hole is definitely not decorate. But the emergence of this defect does not mean that the trousers have to leave, or at least move them to another part of the wardrobe. Look at what you are used to wearing them. It may well be that with a jacket or a vest of the same color, which has some colorful details. It is best if it is embroidery. In this case, nothing prevents gently up the hole on the hip or on the pant leg, and then close the position fix in the same part of the decor. Female trousers embroidery is quite appropriate. They can perform a few of such elements.

Most often torn jeans, but they can extend the life of almost any event. Darn, patches, leather applique on them quite appropriate. Select a piece of cloth. It is better if it is from the same jeans, but you can take and other stuff, anyway, he will be under the thread.

Cut a patch. In size it should be a little more than holes. Align the front side of the patch from the inside of jeans. Baste it over the edge.

Put the machine on foot for embroidery. In mode "Embroidery" and set the switch. The most important thing in this method of repair - find the right thread. They must exactly match the color with pants.

Jotted hole, changing the sewing direction so that the line coincides with the direction of the thread. Sew in one direction and then in the opposite. Similarly, do cross stitch. If the threads are suitable, and you manage to accurately choose the direction - you can see the patch only at very close examination.

You can do the usual patch. Jeans it sometimes looks even stylish. Cut a piece of denim. The patch should be slightly larger hole. Bend allowances on the wrong side and zautyuzhte. Baste the patch on the front side of jeans and pristrochite.

The patches on the jeans can be very different forms. They can be issued as applique. Cut out fabric flower, star, leaf - all that tells you is your imagination. Allowances in this case does not necessarily bend, can not do them at all. Baste patch just as in the previous method. Sew it can be "zigzag". Can be treated slices overlock and then just topstitch.

Tags: pants, hole, patch, mending, darning