How to make jam from pomegranate

How to make jam from pomegranate
 In the garnet contains all the essential vitamins and minerals necessary for normal functioning of the body. In addition, in the garnet contains 15 amino acids - it can no longer boast of any one fruit. Basically grenades consumed fresh, is also popular pomegranate juice. But apart from that of the pomegranate can cook very tasty and healthy jam.

To prepare jam pomegranate, first you need to buy the right fruit. When choosing a pomegranate necessarily hold it in your hand - the fruit should be heavy enough. If the fetus is too soft to the touch, he probably rotted, was beaten on the road or podmorozhen during storage.

Carefully inspect grenades. Ripe pomegranate rind should have an even color and different density, hardness and dryness. If the peel is too smooth, most likely, pomegranate is not yet ripe. If there is damage on the skin or spots, better not buy a piece of fruit.

Wash and cut them grenades. Remove the seeds and clean them from the films. Now you need to pomegranate juice. He, of course, you can squeeze yourself, but you can use and purchase. If you squeeze the juice of pomegranate to jam at home, use a juicer, and then strain the juice through a strainer or cheesecloth. This will help clean up the juice from the fallen stones.

Pour 0, 5 liters of pomegranate juice in a saucepan and add the 0, 75 kg of sugar. It is advisable to use an enamel bowl, because, for example, aluminum pans can greatly oxidized from pomegranate juice.
Stir the contents of the pan to dissolve the sugar. Put the syrup over medium heat, wait until it comes to a boil, then reduce heat to low. Boil syrup until you notice that it is more or less thickened. Usually it takes 20 to 30 minutes. Keep in mind that during the cooking syrup jam pot should remain open.

Then add the syrup 1, 5 cups peeled and diced walnuts, glass of pomegranate seeds and a pinch of vanilla. Gently mix pomegranate jam and pour it in sterilized jars.
If you are not going to preserve jam pomegranate, just let it cool down. Crockery during cooling must also remain open.

Tags: grenades, boiled