How to make boxes for gifts with their hands

How to make boxes for gifts with their hands
 Not so expensive gift, like packaging of it. Everyone knows that clothes make the man found not only human, but also his show. So any gift, whether it is at least in the form of several candy or small trinket should be festively packaged. Imagine how much fun get hero of the occasion in the process of unpacking your gift. And if the package is exclusive, that is to make your own, joy will be doubled.

Gift Boxes can be done in many ways, for example, to use the ready-made boxes. You will only need to decorate the finished product with their own hands.

So, take a tight box ready: from the product that you are going to give. You can paste over the box in the technique of decoupage. For this you need a white acrylic paint and special napkins for decoupage. Apply the paint on the box (if necessary, in two layers), then apply the desired pattern, cut it out of cloth napkins or obkleyte completely. Another option - to make stencils from potatoes: cut out of it different figures and dipped in acrylic paint. In any case - cover the resulting creation of lacquer, acrylic, too.

If you do not have the appropriate boxes, make them yourself. A great variety of patterns. You can glue the cube-shaped box. How to do it, he knows every student. It should be remembered that the cover of the cube is 1-3 mm longer. Decorate it, you can, as mentioned above.

Another important detail in the package - Ribbon. Offer to make it out of strips of paper. Write the word on the ribbon, such as "beloved." Cut out the word letter by letter, but so that the bottom of the letters remained Uncut. Bend the letters (so they stood vertically). Fold the ribbon ring and decorate her packing, instead of a bow.

Other jewelry boxes - that's all there at your fingertips, braid, beads, fringe, applique, and more.

The box can be done without the use of glue. It is suitable for small and light gifts: jewelry, candy and so on. Pattern of this case is simple. It consists of two ellipses superimposed crosswise. Cut out the pattern and flex at the intersection of the ellipse (it is square). The top of each ellipse pierce punch. Connect them with tape.

Box for gifts made from other materials, for example, from plastic cups (for sweet of gifts). It is only necessary to cover the cups beautiful cloth and bandage tape. Or this: cut the plastic bottle at both ends, slightly flatten, flatten the edges. Straighten and flatten so that smooth edges superimposed front and rear. Gets the rectangle. Then, the top and bottom notch "valves", wrap, and then glue the tape. And then - Decorate any way.

Tags: hand, gift, box, packaging, decoration, small box