How to make a lamp with his hands

How to make a lamp with his hands
 Produce a beautiful thing with his hands with a minimum of time and expense - what could be nicer? The presented concept improvised lighting allows you to quickly and easily begin to achieve in this area of ​​outstanding results.

Despite the rich assortment of ready fixtures offered in stores, home-made lamps have always enjoyed a deserved popularity among DIY. After all, although from a technical point of view it is - extremely simple products, the master is always a place to roam in design, eventually getting a thing that has no analogues among commercially available.

Traditional technology involves creating a makeshift lighting manufacturer "from scratch" all the details of the product, except that the holder and bulb. Sometimes it takes a lot of effort and money. But today gaining popularity different approach to the manufacture of lighting in the home. He called aptsiklingom, from the English word up - up and recycling - Recycling.

If the essence of the classic recycling is that the object to be treated, destroyed, and from the resulting raw material is then prepared another thing, when you take the whole thing aptsiklinge, and by some modifications get out of it another thing, sometimes perform more complex functions than the original . Thus it is possible to obtain a variety of things (the classic example - a river raft of plastic bottles), but most often this approach is used in the manufacture of lamps. Why fixtures? The answer to this question, you give yourself, look around and look at the things around you. After all, if you think about it, almost any thing, if it becomes unnecessary, you can optionally give a second life, turning it into a lamp.

The approach to the production of lamps by aptsiklinga not new. For a long time in the countryside in almost every house can be seen lighting-carrying, made of glass cans of canned vegetables. Such a device has a long cord to him could go down to the basement. But today handyman in the manufacture of lamps are not limited to banks. In the course is all that comes to hand. Plates, baskets of eggs, measuring vessels, even the lining of mortise locks, painted in different colors and connected to the cylinder - you name it. And the results are out, quite frankly, just amazing.

It is clear that the subject you are going to turn into a lamp should not block the light from the bulb on all sides, or use it as such, simply makes no sense. However, if one or the other thing you really liked as a basis for the light, but it does not meet the demand, a situation easily remedied nasverliv therein a plurality of apertures. In addition, it will have to drill another hole - for fixing the cartridge. Soberly assess their capabilities, do not try to drill a hole in, say, a ceramic plate, if you can not do that - just split a plate.

Chuck - optional, ordinary, such as E27 or "mignon", such as E14, connect the cord to the appropriate length or block-terminal block if the chandelier is made, either with a fork, if you build a table lamp or a sconce. All connections should be well insulated, including from the "lampshade" if it is metal. In place of the chandelier terminals with wires coming out of the ceiling covered with special hollow conical cap. Heavy chandelier can not hang right on the cord. As a support structure that connects the hook with a chandelier, or use a hollow tube within which stretched cord or strong string or several steel rods. Their length shall be such as to eliminate the tension cord. K table lamp or lamps are attached, respectively, stand or sturdy mounting bracket to the wall.

What light bulb used in a makeshift lamp? There are strict rule: if you're even a little doubt that the item you turned into a lamp stand the heat bulb, even a low-power, melts and crimson, put energy saving. Also, never use makeshift lamps in the street, in the bathroom, in the bath and sauna - it is only suitable lighting with special seal that home run is almost impossible.

Tags: clothes, hand, chandeliers, lamps, light, manufacturing, upcycling, aptsikling