How to Cook Chicken satzivi Georgian

How to Cook Chicken satzivi Georgian
 There is no such recipe that even after so many years there is no dispute regarding the ingredients. The fact is that every chef strives to bring to the recipe for something new, your, that's why it is difficult to find the recipe at least one reference food. Nevertheless, the taste of the preparations is not lost. That there is a delicious dish of Georgian cuisine - satzivi. Translated from the Georgian name means cold dish. Initially they called the sauce, and today satzivi call all the dishes, including poultry.

To prepare the satzivi you will need:
1. Chicken or turkey, weighing not less than 2 kilograms
2. shelled walnuts - 0, 5 kilograms
3. 7 cloves of garlic
4. 3 tablespoons spicy adzhika
5. 2 teaspoons seasoning for satzivi
6. 1 teaspoon saffron Imereti
7. Salt to taste

First of all, cut the chicken into medium-sized pieces and cook it in the oven, it is desirable that there was no crust. Further, it is up to the sauce.

To prepare the sauce is excellent, it is necessary to choose the right walnuts. They should be white and not brown. Clean the nuts from the peel and make them peanut butter. To perform this function is perfect blender or chopper. Your main task - to ensure that the pasta was not large grains to make it smooth. To achieve this effect, the nuts can be ground several times.

Further, from the mass you need to cook peanut butter. To prepare it, you will need: 3 tablespoons chopped walnuts, 1 teaspoon of acute adzhika, 6-7 cloves of garlic. All these ingredients need to scroll through several grinder, then, the resulting mass is put on a gauze and squeeze fluid (oil). Squeezed the remnants of nuts and garlic should be put back to the chopped walnuts.

Then scrolled nuts add 1 liter of boiling water. It should be added slowly and stirring constantly. Ultimately, you should be sauce density similar to yogurt. In the sauce add pre-cooked spices, mixed with a small amount of boiling water. The final stage - a room in the sauce chicken. And, despite the appetizing appearance and your dishes, suddenly awakened, hunger, you must allow authentic at least 3-4 hours. Before you submit satzivi on the table, pour it freshly prepared peanut butter.

Tags: kitchen, sauce, satzivi